Perfect Season

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Book: Perfect Season by Tim Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Green
men to cover them both. When someone is that fast, you have to have one guy take the underneath routes and one guy for the deep stuff. It makes everything ten times better if you have two.”
    â€œI’ve never seen you so hyped up, Troy,” Tate said.
    Troy nodded. “It’s just that there’s so much at stake here. I mean, when I went to register at school my mom and I saw some people surveying the field. Mr. Bryant—he’s the guidance counselor—he said the school had to either upgrade the stadium or end football. So if we can win and turn this thing around, I know the school board and everybody will want a new stadium. It’ll be like the beginning of a football dynasty.”
    Tate glanced at Troy’s mom, then leaned close so only he could hear. “Do you think Ty will really come with you?”
    â€œI hope so.” Troy lowered his voice, too. “We need him.”
    â€œGreat food.” Seth wiped his mouth and set the napkin down before standing up to help clear the table.
    When the kitchen was clean, the four of them went to a movie. On their way home through town, Troy pointed to an apartment building just off the main street. “If Chuku’s dad is in, why couldn’t they live right there?”
    Seth pulled up in front of the redbrick building to take a closer look. A sign said there were places available for rent. “Nice. Perfect. You got his phone number?”
    â€œYeah,” Troy said.
    â€œSo text him the number for the rental office. It’s there on the sign. Tell him we said they should check it out.”
    Troy did as Seth said.
    â€œYou’re really serious about all this, aren’t you?” Troy’s mom said.
    â€œOf course.” Seth started heading back. “Who knows? They have to live somewhere.”
    â€œBut to move someplace just because you want your son to be on a football team?” Troy’s mom shook her head. “You’d have to be crazy.”
    â€œHey, Chuku’s dad plays in the NFL.” Seth moved his eyebrows up and down. “You can bet he’s crazy.”

    THAT NIGHT TROY’S MOM got a text from Thane asking them all to join him and Ty for a day at their beach house on the Jersey Shore.
    â€œRats,” Tate said. “I’ve got soccer camp.”
    â€œWe’ll be going plenty,” Troy said. “Don’t worry about that.”
    The next morning, Thane’s big black Escalade pulled into the driveway just after breakfast. Seth rode up front with Thane while the rest of them spread out in the back. They dropped Tate off at the school on their way. It wasn’t until she hopped out that Ty could even pick up his head.
    â€œBring your football?” Ty asked.
    Troy held up his ball before tucking it back under his arm.
    They watched a movie on the drive and before Troy knew it, they pulled into the gravel drive of a modern-looking white house full of glass and sharp angles. They piled out and Ty proudly showed them inside.
    A huge mobile was suspended above them in the massive entryway. The simple, flat, black-and-white shapes drifting around wires looked like space junk to Troy.
    â€œThane bought it decorated like this,” Ty explained. “The realtor said it was a good deal. People got divorced.”
    A jealous sigh escaped Troy at the thought that he could have a beach house, if only his father hadn’t been such a sketchy character. As he changed into his bathing suit, he gritted his teeth and told himself he could still have a beach house . . . it would just take longer than he’d have liked.
    There was a large deck off the back of the house surrounding a rectangular pool that looked like it dropped right off into the ocean. Beyond the dunes, half a dozen lounge chairs rested in the sand beneath two huge white umbrellas. The adults were talking and said they’d meet the kids down on the

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