Payce's Passions

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Book: Payce's Passions by Piper Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Kay
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can do is shake my head and laugh. For the right person, he’s got to be a little firecracker in the sack with that unlimited energy. He needs to bottle that shit.  He’s back in a flash, just as quick as he left, slapping the menu down in front of me.
    “One coke, coming up.” He spins on one foot, kicking the other heel behind him, and he’s off again.
    Oh lordy. Sparky’s definitely got a superabundant and very plentiful stock supply of uppers stashed near him at all times. Being around him for any long period of time has to be fucking exhausting. Hell, he’s wearing me out and I’ve been here less than five minutes. I’m still trying to figure out how he doesn’t kill himself in here?
    “Here you go, Mr. um…you never told me your name. How rude.” He puts the coke down and bends his head back, waiting to see if I’ll tell him.
    “My name can be anything you want, as long as it’s not ‘sir’. That makes me feel old.” I grin, and decide to tell him.” I’m Payce, and you never told me your name and you don’t wear a nametag. It left me no choice but to make up a nickname for you.” When you need to slip a secret from someone, best to butter them first. Here goes nothing.
    “You made up a nickname for me? Tell me because anything is better than my real name, Serge. I hate that name.” He sticks his tongue out.
    “You remind me of a hot lightning strike ready to set something on fire, so sparks or sparky is what I thought of. What’s wrong with the name Serge? I like the way it forms on the lips, it’s kind of sexy I think.” Please let this be more than enough butter lube.
    “That’s awesome, it’s hot and dangerous too, just like me. Yes, call me that instead of Serge, please. I don’t know what my mother was even thinking, maybe she had a swelling brain tumor growing in her head. I used to ask her how she could do that to a poor child she supposedly loves? She’d just giggle and laugh thinking it was so funny, which it is not, and then tell me about some ‘sexiest man she ever seen’ pro hockey player named Serge.” He put the sexiest man part in finger quotes. “So I told her that she dreamed that story up to cover the fact that she was apparently some kind of closet druggie back in her wild days, because you’d have to be stoned out of your ever loving frickin’ mind to pick that name.” He rolls his eyes back.
    “No? You said that to her?” I laugh, this Serge is hysterical. I really think the name is just fine. Hell, look at my name for fuck’s sake. Payce, where did that come from? I open the menu. “So let me in on the skinny, what’s good here?” I’ve never talked like this a day in my fucking life, this is pushing it now, especially for me.
    “ME! AHH…hahahaha. I’m just teasing you. Everything here is good and I am so serious-sss, that’s why everyone comes here, because the boss hired the two best chefs in town and everyone knows who they are, and they know how to make everything, and I am not even kidding you.”
    Oh my God, breathe, Sparky! You’re going to hyperventilate. I thumb down the menu, starving half to death. “How’s the grilled steak and shrimp? Ever tried it?” I look up at him.
    “It’s to die for, hand to God, I swear it is. They have a top secret marinade they use, some special blend of spices and who knows what else, but it’s fabulous.”
    “Okay, let me try it out then. Make the steak medium rare and toss in a baked potato too.” I close the menu.
    “With the works and a salad?” He’s holding his pen and ready to scribble it down.
    “Definitely, just load me up, I like it all, if you know what I mean. Hey, toss some Ranch in for the dressing too.” I hand him back the menu.
    “You are hungry. The steaks are huge, but we have to-go boxes. Anything else?” He takes the menu and his order pad.
    “Another coke.”
    “Got it then, let me take this to the kitchen and I’ll bring your drink.” He turns and walks off,

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