Parker's Island

Read Online Parker's Island by Kimberly Schwartzmiller - Free Book Online

Book: Parker's Island by Kimberly Schwartzmiller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller
there was of it , and then turned toward the mirror, certain I would hate it.  I stared at the young woman in the mirror for a second, not sure that it was really me.  I actually filled it out.  I couldn’t believe it. 
    Molly walked in then . “Wow!” was all she said.
    “Is that really me?”
    “Oh yeah, and with a little make up and your hair done just right, you ’re going to have Brian and every other guy at the party panting after you!   You can wear your graduation earrings from your parents . Diamond’s will go perfectly with the dress. ”
    I wasn’t sure it was the most appropriate dress, but I did think it was pretty and I was determined to try to fit in tonight.   “Thank you , ” I said, still amazed that I was able to fill out the dress.
    “ You’re welcome.  Bet you didn’t even know you had boobs , did you?” s he laughed at my obvious cleavage.
    “Um, I guess I never paid much attention.”
    “Trust me, Brian will , ” s he grinned.
    I stepped out of Molly’s car and Brian instantly made his way toward me.  He stopped about a foot from me and said, “OH , W ow!  You’re so beautiful.”
    I think I must have blushed, but was grateful for the compliment.  “You look very nice , Brian.  Thanks for meeting me here.”
    “What?  Oh yeah, sure , ” h e said, still staring at me in a very strange way.
    He stood there for a few minutes, not saying anything and finally I said, “Are you re ady to go?”
    He said nothing, nor did he move.  He just stared at me.
    “Come on Bria n, take her arm and let’s go!” Molly said, grinning at his obvious fascination with the new me .
    The ferry ride was fine.  Neither of us could think of much to say, but I felt comfortable with him nonetheless.  Then Chad walked over, “ Hi Laney . I thought you weren’t coming to the party?” h e said with gritted teeth.
    “Oh, well I hadn’t planned on it, but I guess I changed my mind , ” I said, forgetting that he had asked me weeks ago and I turned him down.
    “I see.  Well, you look very… nice , ” h e said, and then strutted off, heading back toward Hailey.  I noticed she didn’t look very happy.  I couldn’t imagine being happy if I was with Chad , either.  He just gave me a bad feeling.  I turned back to Brian and smiled , actually happy that I was with h im .
    “Chad’s wrong, you know.  Nice doesn’t even begin to describe how exceptional you look.  Every guy here is completely jealous of me tonight.  I still can’t believe you said yes , b ut I’m so glad you did.   I’m the luckiest guy alive. ”
    I didn’t know what to say, but when I looked into his eyes, I saw a kindness there and I realized that he really was a nice, decent guy.  And although my heart was somewhere else, I realized I was almost having fun and I smiled at him and said, “I think I’m the lucky one.”
    He took my compliment as a sign and leaned down to kiss me, but I pulled away, certain I wasn’t ready for that.
    “I’m sorry.  You’re just so… I’m sorry.”  He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, “I didn’t mean to rush you.  I mean, I hope I didn’t offend you.  I don’t want to scare you off.  I’m not expecti ng… anything from you . ..okay?” he said apologetically.
    “You didn’t scare me off.  I ’m just not r eady for anything… p hysical , ” I said, hoping he understood.
    “ I promise I won’t ask you to do anything you’re not ready for.  I’ m just happy you’re here with me. ” 
    The ferry docked, and we were all ushered onto Parker’s Is land.  I had to admit, it was very beautiful.  I hadn’t been to the island in a few years.  I forgot how pretty it was.  It was dusk and the lights from the island were sparkling off the water, casting a romantic glow all around.  It was breathtaking, and I couldn’t help but feel it was almost magical.
    “Shall we?” Brian aske d, offering me his arm.
    “ Yes , ” I said ,

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