Parker 02 - The Guilty

Read Online Parker 02 - The Guilty by Jason Pinter - Free Book Online

Book: Parker 02 - The Guilty by Jason Pinter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Pinter
    myself in it, felt her body lean toward me. Then I pulled away.
    "What is it?" she said.
    I looked at her, embarrassed. "Just hard to see these things
    happen. You know, and not be affected at all."
    "That cop who was killed?" she said. "Mauser."
    The Guilty
    "Yeah. You know he was the one who last year...he almost
    killed me."
    "I know," Amanda said softly. "He came to my house.
    Pointed a gun at you."
    "Thing is, I never blamed him," I said. "If I'd been in that
    kind of situation, thought someone had murdered my family,
    I would have gone just as far as he did."
    "He was a good cop," I said, anger rising. "He didn't
    deserve to go down like some animal."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Whoever shot him, they're some sick bastard."
    I took out my cell phone. Dialed Curt Sheffield's number.
    "Sheffield," he said.
    "Curt, it's Henry Parker."
    "Hey, man. Guess this doesn't mean you're hiding under
    a rock."
    "I don't think I'd fit under a rock right now. Listen, we need
    to meet up. I talked to the medical examiner today, I think we
    can help each other."
    "Name the time and place. But hey, Henry, be careful.
    Word's gotten around our friend Paulina Cole's been digging
    a little bit, asking questions about Mya Loverne, about your
    relationship. Don't know if she's going after you, but nothing
    she touches stays clean, know what I'm saying."
    I cursed under my breath.
    "Screw her," I said.
    "I would if my lady wouldn't wear my balls for earrings.
    Cole's not a bad-looking older woman. Wonders of Botox, I
    "Yeah, right. I need to know if you've heard anything
    about the ballistics analysis. Two deaths from what looks
    Jason Pinter
    like sniper attacks, I'm willing to bet my bonus the same
    ammo and gun was used in both Mauser and Athena
    Paradis's murders."
    "Don't be stupid, Henry, you know I can't just give out
    information Mayor Perez hasn't declared open for public
    "Come on, Curt, you know the Dispatch is probably
    writing checks right now to cops and anyone else who can
    answer that question. Do you really want Paulina Cole and
    her BS responsible for the first impression of millions?"
    "Watch your damn mouth," Curt said. "Those are my boys
    you're dissing."
    "I'm sorry, man, but you know I wouldn't say it just to
    make conversation."
    "No," he said reluctantly. "Listen, I got foot patrol duty
    tomorrow in Midtown. Carruthers wants my ass as public as
    possible. Guess they figure enough stuffy suits see me they
    might encourage their kids to sign up for the academy.
    Anyway, meet me on Fifty-second and Fifth tomorrow at five
    when my shift ends. Something else you should know."
    "What's that?"
    "They found another note. Same as before, taped to the
    roof where the sicko took his shot from at city hall."
    "Jesus Christ, what'd it say?"
    "Not over the phone, man. I'll see you tomorrow."
    "I'll be there. And Curt, I appreciate it. Really. We need to
    grab a drink soon. No business."
    "Sure, Jimmy Breslin, no business my ass."
    "I'm serious, none."
    "In that case, I hear a bottle of Stoli Raspberry calling my
    name," he said. "And bring your corporate card, of course.
    You know, in case I get the munchies."
    The Guilty
    Sheffield hung up.
    I looked over at Amanda. The book was on her lap. I knew
    she heard the whole conversation.
    "He sounded good," she said.
    "Always does."
    "Are you worried about Paulina?"
    I thought for a moment. Paulina had done her absolute best
    to ruin my reputation last year. I knew she had it out for me,
    but still wasn't sure if the vitriol was real or just a ploy to boost
    her career.
    "The same way you worry about gum disease or cancer," I
    said. "You can brush your teeth and eat broccoli every day, but
    if it's going to fuck up your life it's going to fuck up your life."
    "I don't want anyone to do that," she said.
    "Hey," I said, wrapping my arms around her. She returned
    the gesture. "Whatever anyone does to me, you counteract it.
    You're my

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