have only to inform one of the
crew or officers and they will see something is done about it
immediately. Shortly, we will be folding away the tables and the
boys of the band will be playing some of the newest and hottest
tunes for your dancing or easy listening pleasure.”
    Pam’s heart leapt when the
bosun’s grip did not relax after he had freed her. He turned her to
face the post and his mate fastened her wrists and ankles again. As
fear surged, she made muffled protests into her gag and struggled
futilely in the bosun’s grasp.
    “Before that,” Jerry Morgan continued , “Let me introduce Lisa.” He
grinned as he gestured towards the trembling girl. “Yes folks, just
four hours into the trip one of our naughtier slave girls earned
herself twelve strokes. Some of them can’t seem to keep away from
the cane. Tardiness was her fault, but it’s far from the first time
her impudent bottom has needed some
chastisement to remind her of her duty.”
    Thank God. Pam took a deep
breath, sucking back some of the drool around the gag. It was going
to be the girl.
    “But first let’s take a look at
our stowaway,” Jerry Morgan said. “I’m sure you’ve all heard about
her by now and had a chance to see her on display.”
    Pam’s belly went tight.
    “I’m also sure you know the
penalties imposed by international regulations on a girl who
illegally boards any vessel. Some of you may have seen this before,
gentlemen and ladies. It’s not such a rare occurrence, after all.
But I won’t make those of you who haven’t wait any longer. So here
is Ann, our new stewardess third class, receiving the mandatory two
dozen lashes, and our bosun, Tom Harker, to deliver them.”
    Pam heaved frantically at her
straps as the crowd applauded. The bosun went to the bucket at the
back of the stage and lifted the chequered wooden handle showing
above its rim. Water streamed into the bucket from the six lengths
of cord attached to the handle. Pam redoubled her frenzied tugging,
crying out incoherently into her gag as she stared in utter horror
at the wet cords, each with six thick knots tied at intervals along
its length. The bosun ran them through his meaty paw, careful not
to wring out the water that added to their weight. Two dozen
lashes. With that? Pam’s head spun. As she fought
uselessly to break free, the darkness hovering at the edges of her
vision closed in.
    The splash of
cold water in her face brought back both her consciousness and her
terror. It would not be the first time she had felt the whip, but
to take it cold, completely unprepared by even the shortest of
warm-ups, was way beyond anything she had known before. So was the
cruelly knotted whip. Her gut churned so much she feared she
would lose control of her
    “She doesn’t seem happy about
taking a flogging, gentlemen and ladies,” Jerry Morgan observed
blithely. “Maybe she’s having second thoughts about deciding to
travel on the Empire’s Triumph .”
    The watchers’
laughter quickly faded as the Bosun took a step back. Pam
twisted her head as far as she could to keep him in sight. He
raised the whip and she watched the water dripping from the tips of
its cords in breathless dread. Pam blinked. The lash was no longer
    A split second later searing
fire blazed across her bare back. She shrieked into the thick
rubber blocking her mouth and felt the bite of the leather straps
at wrists and ankles as she tore at them in a frenzy of pain. One
agonising lash after another scorched her skin, scoring her back
and shoulder blades with fiery lines of torment, while the hard
knots bit deeper and the ones at the ends of the cords curled
around her body to sear the outer swell of her already throbbing
right breast. The pain was incredible. Eyes shut
tight and tears flowing, Pam fought for control.
    For once it was a battle she
lost. Her buttocks bounced and flamed as the bosun switched
targets. Shock and hurt trapped her breath in her throat. Pam

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