Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3)

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Book: Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3) by Ann Mayburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Mayburn
the fire pits, opening a beer while giggling at something a tanned guy with long black hair was saying. Behind her stood two more men, each watching her friend with amusement as Dawn gestured wildly with her now open beer, foam slipping down the sides while she laughed. The yard was still filled with men, but the crowd had thinned a bit, most huddling around large fire pits and…were they making s’mores?
    Shaking her head at the very odd sight of what looked like a bunch of Viking marauders making a campfire treat, she made her way to Kimber’s side near the picnic table where their brownies and cookies used to be. All that remained were empty trays and plates. She wondered how the hell these guys maintained nine percent body fat while eating brownies and s’mores like they were going out of style.
    Trying to ignore the way some of the guys were outright staring at her, like she was a unicorn in a whore house, she made her way to Kimber’s side. “Hey, what’s up?”
    Snickering now, Kimber whispered, “Casey was making out, heavy, on the front porch with that Lorn guy. Like really hot and heavy. Dawn went looking for Casey to see if she wanted a beer, and I think she caught them almost doing the nasty. Casey freaked out and took off.”
    “Oh no.”
    “Oh yes.” Kimber giggled. “From what Dawn said she thinks she caught Casey having the big O.”
    Feeling embarrassed for her friend, Paige put her hands to her burning cheeks. “That’s terrible. Poor Casey. I should go see if she’s okay.”
    “She’s fine, just having a hissy. You know how dramatic she gets when she’s uncomfortable. Dawn and I talked to her already and let her know she was being dumb. Right now she’s just totally embarrassed that she freaked out on Lorn. She’ll get over it, but let her lick her wounds in private.”
    “Are you sure? Maybe I should just stop in for a second.”
    Kimber shook her head, then glanced behind Paige and back again. “No, stay here. You need to stay.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    For a moment Kimber examined her, the other woman’s glittering pink eye shadow sparkling in the firelight, then said, “I’ll be honest with you, Paige. I’m afraid if you go to Casey’s you’ll talk yourself out of coming back, and I think that would be a mistake.”
    “I…” She wanted to say she wouldn’t do that, but she’d done it in the past. Repeatedly. “I wouldn’t.”
    “Are you sure?”
    She thought about Tren and nodded firmly. “I am.”
    “Is it GI Joe meets Phantom of the Opera?”
    “Oh, come on, Paige. I’m not blind.”
    Stiffening, feeling unexpectedly defensive of Tren, she snapped, “Just because he has scars doesn’t mean you can call him names.”
    “Whoa, I didn’t mean anything negative. He’s sexy, in a tortured hero kind of way.”
    “He’s wonderful, and kind, and I like him,” Paige said in a hissing whisper. “So leave him alone.”
    “Holy shit,” Kimber whispered, her dark eyes searching Paige’s face. “Did you just say you like him?”
    “I-I…” Paige swallowed hard. “He’s…different.”
    With a sigh, Kimber pulled her over to the side of the house, away from the guys who were all watching them closely. “I always thought you’d end up with some wussy guy when you finally decided to start dating, not the big as in massively huge could be a professional wrestler hot older guy daddy type, but holy shit is he fine. If you don’t at least kiss him, you’re going to be letting the sisterhood down. I bet he has a big dick, too. You may not appreciate that now, being a virgin, but you will later.”
    “Kimber,” she hissed. “Keep it down.”
    “Please, I’m ecstatic for you. Hang out, talk to him a little more, let him continue to fawn all over you.” Kimber pulled her into a hug and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Dawn and I will keep an eye on you. If this guy really likes you, in the way you deserve to be liked, he won’t

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