Pages From a Vampire's Journal

Read Online Pages From a Vampire's Journal by Olivia D'Abo - Free Book Online

Book: Pages From a Vampire's Journal by Olivia D'Abo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia D'Abo
cats die. They just wander into dead-ends where dogs await them. And they are eaten, just like you will be in a dead-end. Usually it takes two to get one person into trouble, and that someone ain’t gonna be me” she whispered.
    Camilla swung the poker at Cedric in an arc that sent empty paint cans flying across the room. Cedric backed up a few paces.
    Cedric barked at Trixie, “Is this
your mother?”
    “She isn’t my mother! She never was! And now I’m getting the police over here to do what they should have done the last time I called them!”
    She motioned towards the top of the stairs, now unlocked by the beast Camilla.
    Trixie looked like she was about to vomit.
    “I can’t believe you really did it. You were supposed to be tutoring them, and you just killed those kids like they were nothing? Why!”
    Camilla barked back, “You’re not going anywhere, and those
as you call em do what they were bred to do, to feed
, and they are hardly missed at all from anyone. We only take the sick and the weak. They are young calves they keep the peace between us and
kind. Take that away and it is war all over again. We’ve had enough of that mess for eons.”
    Camilla looked at Cedric backed into a corner and then back at Trixie. She hesitated, trying to decide which was the more optimal prey.
    Trixie couldn’t believe what she was hearing, as if it were an amateur play put on for the amusement of bar braggarts and brigands. None of it seemed real. She looked at Camilla’s eyes, which seem to boil with a black hatred of everything that wasn’t hellspawn. Trixie wondered why Camilla never killed her in the previous years they had lived together.
    “We have dined on kings, politicians, world-class thieves and even triceratops, and you balk at our meager demands? You should feel privileged to go out of this life giving your life’s blood to an immortal. Don’t go to a coffin unfulfilled, dear. Come to me. Come and be given mercy.”
    Cedric leapt at Camilla, wrapping his arm around her scrawny, pale neck in a headlock, and tried to drag her to the ground. Camilla muffled a laugh into his arm.
    She reeked of disease and lustful desire, grasping his forearm behind her head as she bent over, throwing him on the ground. The impact of the concrete floor stumped him. He looked up at her as if he had just been swatted by a gorgon from Greek myth.
    Cedric ran towards the lifeless Gilchrist, grabbing the Mexican blade from his hand and motioned towards Camilla.
    “You’re both murderers, both you and this devil here next to me.”
    Camilla smiled a perverted smile at him, looking him over as if wondering which piece of him to savor first.
    “Murderers? Your mortal life is a murder, son. It’s a con game diced when you were born and won at your grave. We’re no more murderers than you are. We’re just more honest about it.”
    Camilla looked towards the window, pointing to it.
    “Out there, we initially started with a few bodily donations. What you call murders. A few here and there. We don’t make distinctions between any of you. But if we catch you while you’re running away, you taste better than a sleeping emperor. So run already.”
    “You’re not only a murderer; you’re a damnable liar as well. You lurk around in shadows and secret cabals and call it honest? I’m gonna put you in your place you sick, squalid creature of a human being!
    Cedric dashed for the stairs, knocking over more cans of green paint. The air started to breed noxious vapors.
    Camilla caught the belt loop on his jeans.
    “Gotcha, you little snitch”.
    Cedric brought the knife to her neck and pressed it firmly against her throat.
    “You let go of me or I’m going to end your miserable existence and send you straight to the Almighty”.
    “Be my guest, dearie. The nearer I am to death, the prettier I look”, she smiled.
    He sliced as hard as he could, like he was butchering a wild boar for a feast of monarchs.
    No blood

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