Pack Balance

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Book: Pack Balance by Crissy Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
really are turning into big old softies.”
    “Ah, I’m going to blame the power of love,” Josiah said.
    Cooper nodded before turning back to watch the building and their suspects. “So tell me about your girl,” he demanded playfully.
    “She’s great.” Josiah’s voice softened. “She’s an artist and she is so talented. She’s smart and funny, close to her family. I really like her.”
    He had to smile. It seemed like his partner had found the perfect match for him. Cooper had already done a basic search in the police files of the family. It was standard when they were investigating a death, so he knew Cammi didn’t have a criminal record. “You’re okay with the shifter side of her?” he had to ask.
    While Josiah accepted his shifter side as his partner, it was a whole different situation when the person you were falling in love with had unique abilities that made them so very different. He knew better than anyone. Not that he didn’t think that Julie hadn’t meant every word she’d said, but Cooper knew they still had a lot to work on.
    “I am.” Josiah surprised him. “I knew about her before, so maybe that’s why I never even considered not getting involved with her because she can transform. All I know is Cammi Norris is the woman for me. I know it’s fast, but I can’t help the way I feel.”
    “The connection is stronger than it would normally be because of her abilities. Not only does she care for you, but her wolf has to have accepted you also,” Cooper told him.
    “So you’re saying what? We were meant to be? I thought shifters didn’t really have a fated mate and all that. Isn’t that one of the myths that was broken when you all came public?”
    “No, it’s nothing like that. You can still break up. Julie and I are proof of that. I’m just trying to reassure you that even though it might seem fast, your feelings for Cammi should be taken seriously. If both the human and the wolf parts of her want you, you’ll both feel the connection deeply,” Cooper explained.
    “Which is why it really hurt when Julie left,” Josiah commented.
    “Yes, as a man, it hurt me but as a wolf, I felt rejected. I would have moved on, maybe even fallen in love again, but I will always have feelings for her. I gave her my heart, and that’s important,” Cooper said.
    “Okay.” Josiah nodded. “I can accept that.”
    Cooper was relieved. His partner was a good guy and deserved happiness. Cooper’s attention was drawn to an expensive black car driving passed the old bar and slowing. “Check this out.”
    The BMW pulled alongside the structure next to the Bradleys’ SUV. Cooper leaned forward. He knew that car. “Is that…”
    A tall man with black hair stepped from the driver side.
    “Holy shit!” Josiah grabbed for the camera on the back seat. “That’s Mayor Jensen.”
    The Clear Creek Mayor was the biggest opponent of the shifters getting equal rights. Jensen believed that since the shifters were not completely human, they shouldn’t be treated as such. Even though several legal bills against the shifters had failed in Congress, there were still some vocal politicians that wanted the shifters treated like second-class citizens. Cooper didn’t know why he’d be meeting with the Bradleys, but he was certain it wasn’t for any good reason.
    “We need to get the records from Lexis’ release,” Cooper commented. “We need to see if he had any help getting the charges dropped. Maybe Mike will be able to help. He’s probably got someone he could tap for the intel.”
    Josiah was snapping picture after picture. “I think we found the Bradleys’ money man.”
    “Yeah,” Cooper agreed. He couldn’t believe this. The mayor being involved with a drug trafficker who Cooper suspected of poisoning the shifters would be even too far-fetched for him to believe, if he wasn’t seeing it with his own eyes.
    “We’re going to nail these assholes,” Josiah said gleefully.
    “Yes, we are.

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