Owned by the Yakuza: A Japanese Mafia Bad Boy Romance

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Book: Owned by the Yakuza: A Japanese Mafia Bad Boy Romance by Ariel London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariel London
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    Tatsuya slammed on the breaks. “What? Why?”
    Yuji was tossed forward and groaned.
    “I’m getting out. Take Yuji to the doctor, call for back up. I’m going to the hostess club.” I jumped out of the car, heading for the nearest train station. “And for fucks sake, clean up the blood before you bring it back.” I didn’t look over my shoulder, hearing the car speed away.
    “She’s not here.”
    “What the hell do you mean, she’s not here?”
    The hostess at the front door shifted from foot to foot nervously. “She never showed up for her shift, Himura-san.”
    “And no one thought that this was suspicious? No one bothered to call me?”
    “We didn’t want to bother you,” Sora said. She came up behind the other girl and shooed her away. “It’s not like its strange for new girls to get cold feet and drop out after a few shifts.”
    I scowled at her. “You know she’s here for more than that. She wouldn’t just leave.”
    Sora’s devious smile made me sick.
    “Have any new guys been frequenting here lately?” I asked, remembering the kyodai. “Anyone suspicious or shady?”
    “Honestly, most guys who come in here are shady,” She caught my glare and continued. “Well, there have been some new regulars, a few guys that I haven’t seen around here before. They seemed really into Oriana, but who isn’t these days.” She shrugged.
    “Why didn’t you say something?”
    “Am I really supposed to care about every pervert who walks through these doors?” She snapped back at me, tears shining in her eyes. “It’s not like you care about me anymore, now that you have that chick.”
    “Stop making this about your little feud with her. Listen, Oriana’s life could be in danger. I found her photo on a dead yakuza member.” I held Sora’s arms tightly so she would look at me. “Please, if she comes in, call me right away.”
    “Where are you going?”
    “I’m going to find her.”

    Oriana オリアナ
    I stared at the two suitcases that were laying on my bed open and half filled. In my hand, I held a ticket to Glasgow.
    Auntie Bess had called back and in the short phone call, she had convinced me to come to Scotland for a visit. The plane was leaving in the morning. I called the hostess club to call in sick, but no one answered. Just one week. One week to get away from all of this stress. Then I would come and repay the debt.
    If I came back. I walked to the window, taking in the breathtaking Tokyo skyline. Maybe it was time for a change. What was keeping me here now anyways?
    Tadao. My heart hurt thinking about him. Was there really something between us that wasn’t sex? Our date had been perfect but aside from wild sex, were we even compatible?
    I hadn’t forgotten what Sora said.
    Once the novelty wears off, he’s going to dump you like yesterday’s garbage. That’s what he does.
    Somehow, Tadao didn’t seem like that kind of guy. But what did I really know about him? He was just some yakuza who came to my door looking for money. He was the first man to ever make me cum, to set my soul ablaze with passion. But that couldn’t last. Maybe I was just a novelty.
    Then there was the question of why my father had hidden the past and why he owed them money. Was I dishonoring his memory by sleeping with the man who would have killed him over the debt?
    Don’t forget, until that debt is paid off, I own you.
    I swept my hair back from my face and set the ticket down. I needed an escape. A week in the Scottish countryside would clear my head. Then I would decide what to do.
    The doorbell rang.
    I glanced at the clock. It was past nine o’clock. Who would be coming to the door at this hour? My heart froze. What if it was Tadao? I crept down the hall and peeked in the peephole.
    It was him. Tadao was standing there, his hands in his pockets. He looked tense and out of breath.
    I put my hand on the door handle, squeezing the cold metal.

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