Overexposed: The Complete Boxset: A Virgin Meets a Bad Boy Romance

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Book: Overexposed: The Complete Boxset: A Virgin Meets a Bad Boy Romance by Rae Lynn Blaise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae Lynn Blaise
with wild abandon.
      But the most significant thing of this whole encounter is how my name is swirling around in the air between us, called out at his most vulnerable moment.
      Tears well in my eyes, and I melted into his waiting arms. He holds me close, his hand stroking my hair, before he scoops me into his arms and carries me back to my room. Devon places me gently on the bed, covering me.
    “Please stay, if only for a little while,” I ask, reaching out to grasp his hand.
    He doesn’t answer, instead he walks around to the other side of the bed and slides beneath the covers with me. Tugging me into the warm safety of his embrace, I drift off to sleep with the scent of the sea on my skin, the taste of his in my mouth, and sweet dreams already in my head.

    T he next morning , I’m met with an empty bed. It’s easy to pretend it was all just a fantastically real sex dream. Maybe my jaw is only sore from sleeping strangely, not from the thrilling sensation of having Devon’s cock in my mouth. Even if I’m willing to admit to myself that everything between me and Devon was real and tangible, it’s our last day here. I’d be a fool to think it could go further. No, I’m going to chalk it up to a little fling I once had with an irresistible man on the other side of the world.
    It would be my first fling, my first dalliance actually, since I’ve only ever had eyes for Eric. He’s been my whole world for as long as I can remember. Our first pretend ceremony took place when I was five and Eric was seven, we were in the Hampton’s and our mothers cooed adoringly over vodka lemonades, congratulating each other over the delightful match. Eric and I were always destined for each other–our names branded on the other since birth.
    To distract myself, I move around the room collecting my things. I toss the suitcase on the bed and lay it open so I can quickly fold and pack at the same time. After all of my clothes are properly stored, I walk to the bathroom. I gather all of my beautification products and store them carefully in the travel bag. After placing the travel bag into the suitcase, I remember the vibrator and anal plug still hidden in my bag. That would be quite the shock to whatever security officer might be forced to search me. I tuck those into the inner pocket into a nest of silky panties and lacy bras.
    One more cursory glance around the room reveals that I’ve left nothing behind, so I zip up the bag and yank it to the floor. There’s a bittersweet satisfaction to closing the door behind me, as if I’m shutting everything that’s taken place here on the island–including this entire secret double life I’ve been leading as Sierra–tightly behind the closed door. As if this simple action is the answer to moving on.  
    The dining room is empty save for the abundance of suitcases and equipment storage containers. Everyone is either indulging in one last breakfast on the veranda or one last walk along the beach. I dish of spoonful of scrambled eggs onto a plate, ad four slices of perfectly crisped bacon, and pour myself a cup of orange juice before finding my way out to the veranda.
    Balancing my plate on my knees, I giggle at Zach and Sam’s antics down at the shoreline. I’m thrilled for the two of them, they seem to genuinely make each other happy and I wish for all of the wonderful and amazing things to happen for them. If I had my way, I’d steal them right out from beneath Devon. Too bad I’m quitting the business–I could have used some of their lightheartedness over the years.
    Denise makes her way to my side, her forehead furrowed in annoyance. “I’ve got some bad news.”
    I turned my full attention to Denise, for the first time really looking at her. Had I been this self-absorbed that I hadn’t noticed her adorable heart-shaped face spattered by freckles. Her thick, crimson hair that seems lit on fire with the sun shining through its strands.
    “Sierra, did you hear

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