fighting about in the first place. He had given out three tickets after that. Two speeders and a right tail light out. A group of kids were in the car with the tail light out and he could smell marijuana on them. The driver didn’t appear stoned, but rather a shy kid toting around his friends. Sheriff Watley confiscated paraphernalia and a small bag of weed and sent them on their way with a warning. He wondered if these could be the same kids that spray painted the bridge. He didn’t find any spray paint on them though. As things winded down and the streets became empty, the sheriff figured he had some time to go finish the job on the bridge that he didn’t get to finish the night before. He still couldn’t get that whole situation out of his head. It just didn’t seem right somehow. He mad e a left and turned on to Cherry Blossom and headed the same direction he had the night before. He didn’t figure he’d run into any trouble tonight. As he wound his way down the road, it didn’t take long for him to realize that he had figured wrong. Angel Falls, NY was officially named back in 1803. The town began not unlike many others, by a few small families living close enough to one another that some entrepreneur decided to set up a shop in between homes and make a small profit by trading and selling goods. In the case of Angel Falls, it was a young man by the name of Judiah Branshire that set up a small blacksmith shop and bartered merchandise in exchange for various commodities. One family may be in need of horseshoes for instance and would come to Jud i ah and trade the horseshoes for corn. Another family might need corn and trade for hogs. Eventually enough passerbys took notice and settled nearby so as to always have things available to them that they would need. It didn’t take long for other entrepreneurs to join in alongside Judiah and soon there was a liquor store, a hotel, and a bank. It had always been said that Angel Falls got its name from the small waterfalls that flowed down the Raquette River downtown. There are others who claim the name came about after a bad case of smallpox wiped out a generation of children. They called the children their angels and because they had “fallen”, they named the town accordingly. Sheriff Watley had lived here all his life. His father was a sheriff and although he had always had dreams of going off to college and making family history by being the first to earn a college degree, he couldn’t settle in on anything and after picking up a job at the station part time, he eventually was consumed and grew into the role. He loved the job anyway. He could understand why his dad had done it. It was a damn good feeling to be able to help so many people. He had built a reputation just like his father of being tough but compassionate. Angel Falls was his playground. He knew a lot of folks and they all seemed like family to him. The crime was about what you would expect in any small town. Most of the calls were for domestic disputes, bar fights, or petty theft. Sometimes there would be a big drug bust, but usually things were pretty quiet. Sheriff Wat ley was driving down the road, thinking about the graffiti on the bridge. Kids. He thought. Will they ever change? Better to be patching up some graffiti than cleaning up after a drive by. Sometimes you just have to be thankful for the small crime. The sheriff stopped suddenly. In the road up ahead was the same truck from the night before with the door open. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He said under his breath. He just sat there staring for a moment trying to understand. Is somebody fucking with me? A guy wouldn’t just sleepwalk to the same spot in the woods twice in a row…would he? He shook his head and pulled off to the side and placed the car in park. He picked up the CB and called it in. “Base,” he said. “This is base, watcha got James? Over.” The sound of Leah’s voice filled the car. “You on duty