Out Of Time (Book 0): Super Unknown

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Book: Out Of Time (Book 0): Super Unknown by Donna Marie Oldfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Marie Oldfield
Tags: Dystopian/Sci-Fi
first one complained as they stomped
towards the door.
too. This definitely isn’t what I signed up for. Do you fancy a game of cards
while we wait outside?”
voices trailed off as they left the room, so the teenagers set about preparing
some food.
salad, tomatoes, cheese… there’s quite a lot here,” Neelam said.
starving,” Jay declared as he started making himself a huge plateful of food.
of the group had sat down, so Neelam took it upon herself to prepare sandwiches
for them. “Fancy helping me?” she said to Jay.
ask one of the girls. It’s more their kind of work.” He laughed as he nodded at
Scarlett and Lucy and walked off.
rubbish in the kitchen.”
too, but even I could probably manage sandwiches. It’s not fair that you do it
two of them quickly whipped up some lunch, then joined the group.
what’s the plan?” Scarlett asked.
Andrew said.
how are we going to get out of here?”
sighed. “Scarlett, we have no choice. Goulden will kill us if…”
shush. Our siblings should be home and safe by now. I can’t say the same for us
though. Our lives are at risk every second we stay locked up with this maniac.
Anyway, we can easily bust out of here. Look at the way we handled that
training session.”
but, maybe we need more training.”
let his men discover all our secrets, so they know exactly how to beat us – what
will that achieve?”
a good point,” Jay said with his mouth full of food. Neelam shot him a look of
Scarlett said. “We have Alex now. He can teleport us out of here.”
Toshiko said.
teleported, but only a metre.”
a start,” Scarlett said. She stood up and pulled him to his feet. “Go on, try
with me now.”
took her hand, then blinked his eyes hard. He grinned with joy when he managed
to transport them both to the other side of the room 10 metres away, but
Scarlett didn’t enjoy the experience quite so much.
I feel sick,” she said.
Alex grabbed her hand again and teleported her back to their friends.
more of us,” Lucy urged.
held hands with Dylan, Lucy, Neelam, Jay and Scarlett and took them out into
the corridor and back again.
Lucy said.
was lucky no one saw us,” Dylan said cautiously.
rolled his eyes. “The guards were too busy playing cards. Live a bit more
dangerously, Dylan, or we’ll never get out of here.”
are we escaping or what?” Scarlett said.
If we act right away, we’ll have the element of surprise on our side and I
noticed that they forgot to lock the door. Neelam can help us find Ethan, then Alex’s
power can get us the hell out of here.”
looked unsure, but she was having none of it. She ran out of the room, waving
to everyone to follow her.
nuts,” Jay said as he ran after her along with Lucy and Alex.
needs to be I guess,” Andrew said.
agree with her,” Toshiko added.
too,” Sasha said as the three of them also followed.
and Dylan looked at each other.
I guess we’d better join them,” Neelam said with a reluctant shrug of the
nodded as they chased after the rest of the group.
are you going?” one of the guards demanded to know.
for you to worry about,” Neelam said persuasively. She looked at all five men.
“You’re just going to let us pass and carry on with your card game, aren’t
it’s nothing for us to worry about. We’ll just carry on with our card game. On
you go,” one of them said. The other four smiled placidly and nodded along with
him. “Nothing to worry about,” they all repeated. “On you go.”
getting good at that,” Scarlett said to Neelam as they

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