Out of Grief

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Book: Out of Grief by EA Kafkalas Read Free Book Online
Authors: EA Kafkalas
eat her words, I’d say we’ll be about even.”
    My mother rolled her eyes as the waitress walked away. “So she recognized you. That proves nothing.”
    “Let it go, Mom.”
    “You cannot deny teaching is a noble profession, Nikita.”
    “You do understand that what I’m teaching is writing. Don’t you?”
    My hip started to buzz before my mother could say anything else. I put my hand up as I reached for my phone. I already knew it was Quinn, and I was actually grateful for the diversion.
    “What did the doctor say?”
    “It’s nothing.”
    “But does he know what caused it?”
    “And I’m going to be okay.”
    “You conveyed that thought when you said nothing. Why are you being so vague?”
    “I’m not being vague. I told you everything is okay.”
    “What caused it? Is it normal? Will it happen again? Give me something to work with here, Quinn.”
    “Why are you getting so excited?”
    “Because you called me last night and wrecked my date. You could at least tell me what’s going on.”
    “You had a date?” My mother perked up.
    “Not now, Mom.”
    “Well, I’m sorry if I ruined your date. But I was scared.”
    “And I get that. But at least tell me what caused the spotting.”
    “You chose to go back to New York and leave me here to deal with this on my own, so I’m dealing with it.”
    “Okay, I don’t know what’s up with you, but I’m having brunch with my mom. So I’ll talk to you later.” I shut my phone off.
    “Who was your date with?” my mother asked.
    “Really, that’s what you took from my side of the conversation?”
    My mother sat back and looked at me. “I know that Quinn ruined your date. How, I am not sure.”
    “She had some spotting, and she was scared, but it’s nothing.”
    “She depends too much on you.”
    “She’s my best friend.”
    “So you keep saying.” She stood up. “I will be right back. I must use the ladies’ room.”
    “Take your time.” Wow, this brunch was going down hill. I was glad I spent so much time on my outfit. Next time I’d pull out my tattered jeans. I picked up the novel to sign it. And I thought about Emily and last night. Good thing I hadn’t told my mother about her.
    I pulled a pen out my back pocket and wrote, “Maryanne, Thank you for reading and sharing. Sincerely, Nikki K.” Then I slipped a twenty next to her bookmark.
    “Nikita, tell me about this date you had.” my mother said as she returned to the table.
    “Not much to tell. She’s a nice woman, and we’re going to be friends.”
    “Would this have happened if Quinn did not call you during your date? And why on earth did you answer your phone on a date?”
    “I wasn’t going to. She kept calling. Emily said to answer it.”
    “And where did you meet this Emily?”
    “What difference does that make now? That’s not going to happen.”
    My mother reached across the table and took my hand. “I will tell you this, because you should hear from someone who loves you. You must stop yearning for that which you cannot have. Your heart deserves more.” She squeezed my hand before dropping it to wave the waitress over. “Two of your delicious cappuccinos, please, with extra foam.”
    I understood that was my cue not to discuss what she just told me, but to think about it. So, I returned my attention to the last bits of salmon on my plate. She was right. Everyone was right. But how did you stop loving someone?

Chapter Nineteen
    I googled the causes of spotting during pregnancy, and got stuck on the first answer. “Sex,” the article said; there is more blood flow to your cervix during pregnancy, so it’s not unusual to notice spotting after intercourse. I kept reading, and determined that she was either having sex or had a yeast infection. The latter of which, she would have

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