Our Favorite Days (My Favorite Mistake #3)

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Book: Our Favorite Days (My Favorite Mistake #3) by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron
see me next week, so I made another appointment.” He shrugged.
    “That’s good. That’s really good. I’m proud of you.” Neither of us had been getting a whole lot of sleep lately, so I hoped that was going to change. I kissed him on the cheek.
    “Thanks, Missy. Hey, I was wondering. I think I’m going to go ahead and get my fifth tattoo.” He’d been wanting it for ages, since I’d first met him. He’d talked about us going to get tats together, but I hadn’t been ready.
    “Do you want to come with? Or get something yourself?” I looked up at him and his eyes sparkled at the idea of me getting inked. He was obsessed with my belly ring, so who knew what a tattoo would do for him.
    “Maybe,” I said. “I mean, I’ve been thinking about it.” His eyes lit up even more.
    “What do you want to get?” I took a breath.
    “A peacock feather. What else?” He just smiled and shook his head.
    “Oh, Miss, I know why you want it, and I’ve been really good about having the colors around, but putting one on your body just seems like courting disaster.” My superstitious fiancée. I smushed his face between my hands.
    “You are such a dork, but I love you anyway.” He groaned, but then I kissed him and he shut up.
    “Where would you get it?” he asked and I had an idea.
    “I’m not sure. Maybe here?” I said, pulling my shirt off and pointing between my boobs. “What do you think?” His eyes widened and he gaped a little.
    “Uh, yeah. I think that could work for you. Yeah, definitely.” I laughed.
    “You have a one-track mind, Mr. Zaccadelli.”
    “And you have beautiful tits, Miss Caldwell,” he said, brushing his thumbs across my nipples. Things escalated quickly and soon we weren’t talking about tattoos at all.

    M y sister called the next day and it was a relief to talk to her. It felt like we hadn’t chatted in forever.
    “Hey, Kid! You still alive?” she said and I rolled my eyes. I was at the grocery store filling up my cart so I looked like one of those assholes who talked on their phone at the grocery store.
    “Yes, I’m alive, thanks for asking. How are you?”
    She sighed.
    “Work sucks. Dating sucks. Everything sucks.” I laughed. She was a paralegal, but she still swore and used slang as much as the next person. She could turn on the professionalism in about three seconds flat if she needed to, though.
    “Okay, do you need some sisterly advice? Or do you just want to bitch?” A little old lady staring at the salad dressings gave me a dirty look. I just gave her a huge smile and kept pushing my cart, grabbing a bottle of ranch and another of balsamic on my way.
    “Bitching, please,” she said in a sing-song voice. I laughed again as she launched into her work drama, which included a war with a coworker over someone stealing the communal food, another who kept sending out stupid chai emails and another guy who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
    “I swear, I’m almost tempted to take this guy out just to shut him up. If only that wouldn’t blow up in my face.” Poor Tawny. Her dating history was volatile and varied. She just couldn’t seem to find a guy who wasn’t threatened by her.
    “All these guys claim to want a ‘strong, independent woman’ but when one shows up, they freak out. Fucking idiots. Don’t even know what they want.” She huffed and I started going back through the aisles again to make sure I hadn’t missed anything on my list.
    “There are guys who do like that. I swear. I’m engaged to one.” I was never too much for him. I mean, shit, I’d punched him and yelled at him kneed him in the groin on the very first day we met. And he still wanted me.
    “Yeah, well, if you find one, send him my way.”
    “I will, Tawny, I will. Don’t worry, there really is a guy out there who is just right for you. All we have to do is find him.”
    “Yeah, thanks for that, Kid. Hey listen, I have to go, but before I do, Mom made me swear on pain of

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