needed to get along, they did share a great deal of people in their lives. But she certainly didn 't want him to think that their time together had been wasted. She could fix this all with one statement. I 'm pregnant! And she could risk him throwing her over the balcony too.
No. He needed to be okay with her before she told him she was carrying his baby. Even if he never loved her, which she hoped he would, she wanted him to like her. And no matter what he was saying she wasn 't quite convinced he did.
Curtis backed up as the grill flamed. The hair on the back of his hands might have caught the last flame that shot out from the grill, which could certainly use a cleaning.
At this point there was enough of a crust on the steak he didn 't know if the inside was bloody or overcooked. All he knew was the French heiress that broke his heart was standing only feet from him staring off into the woods from his balcony nursing a glass of water.
Something was different about her, but he couldn 't peg it. But wasn 't that the way with women? They didn 't actually want to tell you what was on their minds, but they sure as hell wanted you to suffer trying to figure it out. Well, he thought as he pulled the lonely steak from the grill, he didn 't care.
There was nothing Simone Pierpont could be thinking that had any effect on him. He had his home. He had his job. And by God, he was going to keep 1his sanity.
He watched her as she lifted her hand to her hair and brushed her fingers through it. Even with her mind preoccupied, she was graceful.
What could she ever have seen in him, he wondered. He didn 't wear suits, or have a Rolex watch. Before he met her, the only boat he 'd been on, besides his father 's fishing boat, was a river boat down from down town to Opry Land. The thought made him laugh. What would she think of that?
He pulled the stake off the grill and slid it onto a plate. "C 'mon. I 'll cut this up and we 'll have a salad. Then if we 're still hungry I 'll hit a Ben and Jerry 's on the way out to Zach and Regan 's. "
She smiled, but she didn 't laugh. This much he knew, if she was humored, or even pretending to be, she 'd toss that raven hair behind her shoulder with a flick of her wrist and roll her head back with a laugh. She did neither. Oh, something happened to her to make her leave the posh life she 'd been used to and take some clerical job. There was a great amount of certainty that she wouldn 't tell him why she 'd moved to Nashville, but he figured he could get Zach to spill it.
Simone followed him inside.
She set her water glass on the table. "What can I do to help? "
Where did he begin? She could let go of the grip she had on his heart for starters. Instead, he handed her the bag of premixed salad. "Just throw some on plates. "
As he turned to reach for a knife out of the drawer she reached above him to the cupboard where he kept his plates. Their bodies brushed against each other 's. He 'd been so close he felt her breath hitch, but she hadn 't moved back, and neither did he.
He couldn 't risk hurting again, but what did it matter? She 'd be gone soon, no matter what she said. Simone would never live in Nashville and work for a clinic forever.
But he already hurt having her so near, smelling her scent, feeling her breath on his cheek.
Curtis rested his hand on her hip, just to steady each of them. When he looked at her, her eyes were closed. Was she taking in the moment too? They were touching. There was heat.
He could see the pulse in her neck beating rapidly. It would be easy to drop his head and kiss her. Just kiss her senseless until they wound up in a tangled mess on the floor as they had months ago.
But 1when Simone opened her eyes there was fear in them. That seemed more normal. She probably thought he was just some common man she could play with when she was in town.
Curtis shoved past her, took the knife out of the drawer, and stepped back. He wasn 't going to make
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