Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2)

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Book: Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2) by Twyla Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Twyla Turner
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where the carotid artery was located. “This will hurt like hell, and stun him because it’s unexpected. And if you do it hard enough, it could at least bring him to his knees, and give you time to run.” Sloan said as he took a few steps back from her. “Now, I’m gonna come at you. And I want you to hit my neck, with light force this first time. Okay?”
    “Okay,” Lexi answered nervously.
    “As I’ll ever be.”
    Sloan advanced towards Lexi without hesitation. But instead of standing her ground in order to hit him, she stumbled back in fear, ducking her head, and raising her hands palms out to protect her face. Her damaged and abused soul, surging to the forefront.
    Seeing her cower in fear ripped Sloan’s heart in two. He instantly stopped walking and relaxed his menacing stance.
    “Alexis. It’s okay. Look at me.” He commanded softly.
    Lexi looked up at him and saw that he had stopped. She slowly lowered her shaky hands to her sides. She let out a huge breath, trying to calm her frazzled nerves. And bowed her head again in embarrassment.
    “Alexis, it’s me. I would never actually hurt you. You know that, right?” Sloan asked.
    “Yes, I know,” Lexi answered, unable to look up to meet his eyes.
    “Okay, so I think I know the problem. The minute a man acts aggressively towards you, you instantly revert back to the times you were abused. Instead of fight or flight, you lay down and take it. Am I right?” Sloan asked gently.
    Lexi nodded her head quickly, unable to speak around the lump in her throat.
    “What you fail to realize is that, you deserve better than to be used and beatup on. You’re a strong, beautiful woman, deserving of kindness and love. And the sooner you start realizing that, the sooner you’ll get pissed off when any man treats you with anything other than respect.” Sloan walked cautiously up to Lexi, and placed his hand under her chin and lifted her face up to look at him. Her eyes glassy with tears. “Now it’s time to get angry. Just like when we tore down the wall upstairs, take that bottled up anger and hurt and use it. Get mad. Get fucking furious! Fuck your father! Fuck him for taking your mother from you! Fuck every coward that laid a hand on you!” Sloan shouted as he backed away from her. “Scream, cry or cuss. Whatever you need to do, but get fucking angry! It’s your right.” He ground out.
    The tears that trembled on the edge of her lids spilled over and ran down her flushed cheeks. A fiery ball of hatred and fury began to grow in her belly. It built momentum until it spread through every inch of her being. Her vision turned red, as she saw Sloan started to advance towards her. And she unleashed her rage.
    “FUCK YOU!!!” She screamed as she brought up her open palm and slammed it down on the right side of Sloan’s neck with all of her strength.
    Sloan instantly fell to his knees, stunned. He collapsed onto his side, holding onto his neck and hissed through his teeth.
    “Oh my God! Sloan! Are you okay?” Lexi cringed as the red haze cleared from her eyes, and she knelt in front of him.
    “Shit, woman! I didn’t think anyone so small, could do so much damage.” Sloan grimaced while rubbing his tender neck. “I guess it’s my fault. I was the one to get you all riled up. Just remember this, if you find yourself in a sticky situation. If you do, you’ll have absolutely no problem getting away. Sheesh!”
    Lexi squeezed her lips together, trying to keep from laughing at the situation.
    “Go ahead. Laugh. I’m sure I look ridiculous.” Sloan grinned reluctantly.
    “I’ve never been through so many emotions, within the span of a few minutes, in my entire life.” Lexi sighed heavily. “Alright, what’s next? That is unless, you want to call it a day?” Lexi quickly switched gears, at the wary look on his face.
    “No, no. When I say I’m going to do something, I’ll do it.” Sloan said reluctantly.
    Lexi stood up and held out her

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