Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2)

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Book: Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2) by Twyla Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Twyla Turner
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    “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not teaching you that kind of wrestling. In fact, you already know how to wrestle like that…very well.” Sloan grinned at her as he strode over to the porch steps where she stood. Standing at the bottom of the steps, Sloan rose his face up, waiting for a morning kiss. Lexi leaned down and gave him a quick, but soft kiss on his full lips. “Now, it’s time to get serious. Come on.” Sloan stated, grabbing her hand and leading her out into the grass.
    “I honestly don’t know if this is gonna work. I’m not the most athletic person on the planet.” Lexi said doubtfully.
    “Don’t worry about how fit you are. You’ll have some strength behind your punch, I’m sure.” Sloan said confidently. “Especially when you’re scared, and adrenaline is pumping through you. Besides, a lot of it is the element of surprise. Most men aren’t going to expect someone as tiny as you to fight back, and in the right way too. All the better for you to knock them on their ass.
    “Now, I’m not going to teach you a bunch of combat moves. That would be pointless because you won’t be able to remember them all, in a moment of panic. So I’m going to teach you some basic moves that will incapacitate long enough for you to run and get the hell outta dodge. Got it?” Sloan explained.
    “Got it, Sensei,” Lexi answered with a grin.
    “Alright, Lexi-chan,” Sloan smirked.
    “Lexi-chan?” She asked curiously.
    “I was stationed in Japan for a few years, so I know a little about their language. They add –san to the end of boys’ names, like in the movie The Karate Kid . You know, Daniel-san. The girls get –chan added to the end of theirs. So you would be called Lexi-chan by a teacher.” Sloan informed her as he grabbed her shoulders, and positioned her to face him straight on.
    “You learned a lot in the Marines. I’d love to know more about your experiences.” Lexi said, honestly.
    “Oh, you’re about to get a firsthand lesson in some of the things I learned.” Sloan smiled one last time before his face turned completely serious. Lexi took notice, the look of authority making her stand a little straighter. “Now, it’s time to get serious. This is no joking matter. If you’re ever in a situation where you need to use these maneuvers, it’s usually a matter of life or death. And as far as I’m concerned…death is not an option.” Sloan’s silvery blue eyes were dead serious.
    “Understood.” Lexi nodded nervously.
    “Good. Now let’s begin. Before I teach you any moves, first I wanna know how you hit. How hard you can throw a punch.” Sloan stepped back and held out his hands palms out. “Now punch my hand, so I can see how you punch,” Sloan order.
    Lexi balled her hands up into tiny fists and punched as hard as she could, which wasn’t nearly as hard as she’d hoped. Sloan’s hand didn’t even budge. She scowled at the offensive palm, and a slight glimmer of amusement passed over Sloan’s face.
    “Don’t be discouraged. Most people who aren’t trained in combat, martial arts or boxing have a hard time putting power behind a punch. And I did this as an example of why trying to punch or fight your attacker will be useless.” Sloan educated her. “What I want to do, is to teach you how to inflict the most pain, in a short amount of time, so you can get away to safety.”
    “Alright. No punching. No fighting. Worthless. Got it.” Lexi rattled off.
    “Good. Now, we’re going to go over three common types of attacks. First, is the frontal attack. If a man is coming at you from the front, the quickest and easiest way to inflict pain, is to hit him in the neck at the carotid artery.” Sloan instructed as he took her hand and flipped it over palm up, and traced around her palm with a gentle finger. “Use your palm to hit the artery as hard as you can.” He explained, running his index finger from the base of his ear down to his shoulder, pointing out

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