Onekka - The Tragedy of Jaqui Fennet

Read Online Onekka - The Tragedy of Jaqui Fennet by Michael E Bell - Free Book Online

Book: Onekka - The Tragedy of Jaqui Fennet by Michael E Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael E Bell
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flooded her with dread, but she
just didn't have the energy to fight him off. If nothing else, she thought, at
least she knew where she stood with men like Derek. She knew what they wanted,
and knew they'd be gone like a fart on the wind once they got it.

As he pulled off her top, leaving just her underwear, Derek pushed her down
onto the bed. Jaq closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable, preparing to
lose her thoughts in a wave of speculation and planning. What was she going to
do about the investigation, and Garret's body parts in her bunk? More to the point,
did she care? Would it not be easier to give herself up and let the system
decide what she should do?

When she felt the duvet being pulled across her, she almost started in

"Wh- Aren't you staying?" she blurted.

His face held a concern she'd never seen before. "I think you need sleep
more than you need me."

Tears flooded her vision - this couldn't happen. "No! Do what you brought
me here to do, damn it. Fuck me, that's what you want. Don't deny it!"

"Sorry, Babes." He shrugged. "I'm not that kind of guy. You get
some rest."

With that he departed, leaving her lost and confused, desperate for company she
didn't want, whatever kind it might be. Jaq closed her eyes on the world that
had lost all sensation for her, and blubbed herself into a restless slumber.

Chapter 7
    "Do not
let life bother you, Jaqui. Your reality is what you make it. You must focus on
the important things, those areas of significance that define your
purpose." The voice, the one she knew to be Thirty Seven, always calmed
her. The darkness of her dream never felt threatening now. It was more like a
mental blanket, wrapping her in a cocoon of reassurance. Jaq was still certain
the dreams took place inside a mind, but no longer found that sinister.
Instead, it felt familiar; more so even than her own bunk.

"But how will I know what is significant?"

There was a pause, and she knew the three dream companions were conferring.
There was no audible voice, but a strong sense of mingling thoughts. She'd
become used to this. The dream space seemed formed of thoughts, and as such,
when the entities were thinking, she inhaled the concepts they pondered. She
could think of no other way to articulate the sensation. After some time, she
felt a sense of calm and knew that agreement had been reached.

"Three things, must you watch for, Jaqui Fennet." Thirty Seven's
voice was no longer alone, joined now by the other two. Jaq wondered idly
whether they were also referred to as numbers.

"Three things?"

"Three signs, three portents must you heed."

She smiled. "Guys, why are you suddenly talking like Yoda? It's just me
here." There was only silence in response, accompanied by a vague sense of
mental sternness. They were dead serious, she realised.

"First: Beware the human voice without breath's benefit, for its words can
beguile. You will know of what we speak. Second: Trust not the thought that
comes unbidden and dreams of gallant knights. You must only follow what comes
within. Third: When Earth is lost to the humming dark, Onekka will be undone.
You must watch for these signs, Jaqui. Do not forget."

Jaq tried to think of a response to that. Had one of her waking acquaintances
said such things, she would have laughed and punched their shoulder. Here, it
seemed more appropriate. Thirty Seven had always spoken in that very careful,
correct English anyway, so hearing her talk these prophetic words was not such
a stretch. Married to that, her dream companions had not yet been wrong. Jaq
felt she could truly trust them. Perhaps they were just exaggerating for
effect? Yes, that must be it.

"How do the three things help me?" she asked.

"You must stay upon your path, Jaqui. Your way forward is clear - keep
yourself safe and free. Infiltrate Sector 5. This is the only way to answer the
questions you have. To give up now would be to let them win, and deny yourself
the satisfaction of completing the

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