One More Night

Read Online One More Night by Mysty McPartland - Free Book Online

Book: One More Night by Mysty McPartland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mysty McPartland
Tags: Romance
grinding together, Nate ignored her and continued on, reaching his car, he unlocked it and tossed his bag in and sat down behind the wheel. He put the key in the ignition and turned the motor over. He fought against the need to take one more look at her before he left, it was a struggle and to his annoyance, he glanced towards the house.
    His breath caught in his throat at seeing her leaning against the door frame with her arms folded over her chest, and a wistful sad look on her face. It took such willpower not to cut the engine, jump out of the car, go to her and take her in his arms. What the hell was wrong with him ? He forced his gaze away, put the car in reverse, and watching out the review mirror backed out of the driveway.
    Determined not to take another look at her, he shifted gears and drove away. It was one of the hardest things he ever did, and he couldn't understand why. He hadn't even reached the end of her street and he wanted to turn around. Damn it what in the hell, what was wrong with him? She's just another woman and one he didn't particularly like, well except in bed and then he liked her a hell of a lot then.
    He gave a rueful shake of his head, once he was back in Dallas this weirdness would go away, and she'll be just another fond memory. But to his annoyance, he didn't think it was going to be quite so easy as he thought it would be, and that made him even more to determine to forget her.
    [Back to Table of Contents]

    Back in Dallas, Nate found he couldn't settle into anything and he was relieved the next morning to be back sitting behind his desk, he could keep his mind occupied with work. He was busy going through some figures when he heard his door swing open, and looked up to see Trent step into the room. Tossing down his pen, he leaned back in his chair and waited for his brother to sit down.
    “I didn't think you would be back so soon. How did things go?” Trent stretched out his legs making himself comfortable.
    A grimace on his face, Nate could feel the anger swim through his veins. “The lying little turd seduced an innocent young woman who has mental problems. Nothing drastic mind you. He even had the nerve to use my name.”
    “Jeez. What do you plan to do about it?” Trent could see how enraged his brother was over the situation, and couldn't blame him.
    “Marriage. There's no other choice; the girls pregnant.” Came his terse answer.
    “I haven't worked out all the details yet. As soon as I have though they'll be married.” Nate knew he would have to use something over his cousin to force him to marry the girl, and keep him in line and there was a fair amount of incriminating evidence against him to make him toe the line.
    Trent shook his head. “It won't be easy to persuade him.” When he saw his brother's severe smile, chuckled. “Ah, I see you have some of it worked out already. Now tell me about the sister. How did she react when she saw you again?” He was surprised at the telling look that washed over his brother's face before he hid it, that one swift look told him everything.
    “You mean Cooper? The woman is the most obnoxious smart mouth little witch I've ever come across.” Nate growled out as he thought of her parting remark.
    His lips held firm to stop himself from smiling, Trent nodded his head. “Yeah well, she's certainly has a great right hook.”
    Nate threw his brother a murderous glare for reminding him of that scene in the boardroom. “Look I've got to go through these figures and when I finish I'll deal with the other matter. The sooner it's taken care of the better.”
    Trent rose to his feet and saluted. “Right, I'll leave you to it then. Keep me up to date on the other matter.”
    Watching his brother leave, Nate let out a heavy sigh, he thought once he drove away and being back home, he would be able to forget Cooper, but to his annoyance he found it impossible. He couldn't stop thinking about her, or what they shared.

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