One Last Night

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Book: One Last Night by Clara Bayard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clara Bayard
Tags: Romance
they were doing.”
    “So you had no idea that your employees were using your business, Courier Express, to deliver illegal prescription medications?”
    “Of course not,” Mitchell said rather unconvincingly. “I’m a respected businessman. But it isn’t my job to police what comes and goes. I just run the place.”
    As he spoke I finally recognized the room. It was an interview room at the police station Sam worked out of. I’d spent hours in one just like it after Mitchell tried to assault me in his office.
    “Right,” the voice continued. “It’s a little hard to believe all of this was going on without your knowledge.”
    “I know, I know. But those boys are sneaky. I mean I knew about some stealing and lying about hours, but it doesn’t shock me to hear they were up to worse stuff.”
    “By ‘those boys’ you mean the messengers under your employ?”
    “Including one Darius King? The young man found dead?”
    “Uh-huh. He was the worst of the bunch. A real clever-minded one.”
    At that I snorted. I hated to disrespect his memory, but Darius was anything but clever. Kind and sweet, sure. But not at all bright.
    “So, Mr. Douglas. If you didn’t know what was happening with your business, then who did?”
    Mitchell sat up straight and looked right at the camera. “I been thinking about that a lot. And you know I wanna help you guys. I know who did it. I know who you want to talk to. The girl. It was the girl.”
    “What girl?”
    “Carly Chase. She’s the one.”
    My mouth hung open with shock. I glanced over at Fabian but he was watching the screen with a slight smile on his face. Asshole .
    “She’s the one who what, Mr. Douglas?”
    “She knew all about the pills and stuff. She must have. She did all the scheduling and routing. She always made sure certain boys did certain pickups and deliveries. Besides, she told me something that didn’t mean nothing to me at the time, but now I get it.”
    “What did she tell you?”
    “One day we were in my office. She liked to bring me coffee, you know. Flirt a little. Like the girls always do.”
    I rolled my eyes.
    The voice said, “Yes, and?”
    “So we’re in there. I’m drinking the coffee and she’s kind of bending over a little so I can see down her blouse and all. I mean, come on. I’m human. I’m gonna look, you know?”
    “Yes. Please continue.”
    “So while she’s flirting she mentions that she’s got something big going on. Something that’ll set her up for life. I wasn’t really paying attention, but she seemed really excited about it. Something about all the evidence she’d ever need. Files on disk and hardcopy, she said. All the information she would need if things took a turn.”
    “Did she explain what she meant?”
    “And you didn’t ask?” The voice sounded vaguely incredulous.
    “Nah. Hell, I never know what the hell girls are going on about. Just pointless shit mostly, in my experience.”
    “But now you think she was talking about this illegal prescription delivery enterprise?”
    “Yeah, yeah I do. I bet she was keeping records of everything. She was always taking notes. Not the best employee, but she did keep track of things real well. So I figure she had all this info about what was going on. And I bet she’d use it to blackmail whoever. Get some extra money when she was ready to get out of the game.”
    I wanted to punch him through the screen. “Okay, I get it. Turn it off,” I said to Fabian.
    He pressed a button and Mitchell’s face was frozen in front of me. “The Slug” was too nice a name for that piece of garbage. I hated him with a burning passion. He’d caused all of this. And tried to pin it on me.
    “So you see, Carly. Mr. Douglas there seems quite sure you’ve got some information to give me.”
    “You’re kidding, right? That lying sack of shit? He’s clearly just trying to blame someone else, get off for what he did. Come on. You guys are working with

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