One Hot Cowboy Wedding

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Book: One Hot Cowboy Wedding by Carolyn Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Brown
    The internal pep talk didn’t do a damn bit of good. She was chewing at her thumbnail when Ace hailed a taxi, and by the time they reached McCarran International Airport she felt like she was walking on the edge of a barn roof in three- inch spike heels during a class five tornado.
    They checked their bags, hurried through security without a hitch, and got to the waiting area just as a young man announced that the flight to Dallas was boarding. Ace followed Jasmine down the corridor and into the plane and found their seats.
    “I’ve got the window seat but I usually sleep on air-planes. You want to sit there?” he asked.
    “Thank you,” she said, not eager to sit in the middle seat with Ace on one side and someone else on the other.
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    One Hot Cowboy Wedding
    She was glad she didn’t have extremely long legs like her friend Austin, who was almost six feet tall. At five feet two inches, her knees came within three inches of pressing against the seat in front of her. Austin would be biting her knees unless she flew first class. She snapped her seat belt shut and looked out the window instead of listening to the blah- blah- blah customary cautions.
    Ace settled into the seat next to her and got comfortable. He buckled his seat belt, leaned his head back, and shut his eyes.
    Jasmine envied his ability to doze while the flight attendant gave the “hang onto the seat cushion and use it for a floatation device” speech. He didn’t even open his eyes when the captain’s deep voice came over the intercom and said that they would arrive in Houston, Texas, in two hours and forty- three minutes.
    When they were in the air Ace roused up enough to unfasten his seat belt, order a pillow, and in less than two minutes had slung his legs over into the empty space beside him and slept soundly. How he could sleep with those three teenage girls behind him was a mystery to Jasmine. She tried to tune out the giggles and the “OMG, she’s not even hot, how could he like her?” and “FYI, she’s sleeping with Freddy,” but she couldn’t sleep.
    Suddenly she was pissed at everything and everyone… starting with herself for volunteering for this fiasco and ending with that television station that told the whole world.
    She could not let Ace lose everything he’d worked for his whole life over a piece of paper and a few promises.
    Who was it that said, “Promises are like pie crusts—
    made to be broken?” Well, he was a genius today.
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    Carolyn Brown
    Tomorrow he might be the biggest idiot in the state of Texas, but right then he deserved that big Nobel Award for the most profound statement ever uttered.
    Ace flipped the pillow on her shoulder and snuggled down into it with a sigh.
    “OMG, he’s like so sexy. I wonder if he like really rides horses. I bet he’s a country music star. OMG, he is, isn’t he? Is he Keith Urban?” one of the teenagers whispered.
    Jasmine frowned. Ace was a hel uva lot sexier than Keith Urban.
    “Shhh, she’ll like hear you,” another one said.
    “FYI, I don’t care. She’s like an old woman and he’s like too sexy to be with her.”
    Jasmine held up her left hand and wiggled her fingers until she heard gasps behind her.
    “OMG, she like heard you. And that’s like a wedding ring.”
    “BTW, like I don’t care about that like either. He just married her for her money, I bet. OMG, I bet she’s his manager and she made him like marry her.”
    Jasmine was glad that Ace was sleeping. If he’d been awake he would have teased her for weeks about the teenyboppers (did they like call them that like still or was that like OMG too ancient of a term for like pubescent girls?).
    Evidently they all had ADD because Ace’s sexiness only lasted a few more minutes and they were off on another tangent. Jasmine wondered briefly if symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder included abbreviated

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