One Day at a Time (Starting Over Series Book 4)

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Book: One Day at a Time (Starting Over Series Book 4) by Evan Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evan Grace
see me?
Cash: Do you want to go for a ride tomorrow?
Tessa: Sure!
Cash: Great! I’ll pick you up at 11. Wear jeans.
Tessa: See you tomorrow!
Cash: Sweet dreams.
Tessa: You too.
    She carried her phone into her bedroom, sitting it down on her nightstand and then going into the bathroom to get ready for bed, her movie long since forgotten.

    Chapter Five
    Monday morning came too soon for her liking. Yesterday had been such a fun day, one she wouldn’t soon forget. When Cash had knocked on her front door, she was in her room putting her shoes on. She’d hurried out to the living room and was greeted by the gorgeous sight he made. He wore a white t-shirt that molded to his muscular body like a second skin and showed off his colorful sleeves. His jeans were snug on his legs and covered his black motorcycle boots.
    He’d been shaking Jonathon’s hand when she walked in. Both men turned to her and smiled. She felt herself blush when Cash’s eyes swept over her body. She never usually wore jeans because they showed off how skinny she was. Since it was still warm out, she opted for layered tank tops again.
    “I see you’ve met my brother Jonathon...” She kissed her brother on the cheek and then had gone to Cash, wrapping an arm around his waist. His arm wound around her shoulder, giving her a squeeze. He’d reached out, shaking Jonathon’s hand again. “I’ll be back later,” Tessa told Jonathon.
    “It was nice meeting you, Jonathon.”
    “Yeah, you too. See y’all later.”
    Following Cash down to his bike, she let him put her hair in another ponytail. It did funny things to her insides, but she loved it. He placed the helmet on her head and buckled it under her chin. This time he ended it with a kiss on her lips.
    They rode around for hours, going all over Charleston. She’d discovered areas she’d never seen before. He must’ve done that a lot, because he knew little back roads that had hardly any traffic. They stopped for lunch at a little lunch cart. After they finished their hot dogs, they walked along Water’s Edge Walkway.
    “I’ve been meaning to ask you. Did you grow up around here? You have a thicker accent than a lot of people here.”
    He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I was born and raised in Athens, Alabama. I moved here about four years ago. I wanted to be closer to my sister, since our parents are gone. An old friend of mine from Athens moved here, and when I decided to do it, I looked him up and he offered me a room. I stayed with him while I got my shit together, and then I bought my house. What about you? Did you and your brother grow up here?”
    “We lived in some low-income housing right off the James Island Expressway. After my mom died, my dad could barely hold down a job, so we lost our home and had to move. It wasn’t a bad area, though. There were always kids for us to play with, and I always had Jonathon.” She wasn’t about to tell him that by the time she was thirteen her dad had pretty much made her a shut-in, his own personal servant.
    “I’ve got a busy week coming up, but I want to see you. I also wanted to see if next weekend you’d like to come with me to my niece’s dance recital. You really don’t have to say yes, because it’ll be long, and a bunch of kids running around and screaming, but my sister got me two tickets, and I-I thought I’d ask you.”
    Her heart leapt in her chest just thinking that he wanted her to meet his family. It made her extremely nervous, though. What if his sister didn’t like her, would he break up with her?
    “I’d love to go with you. Will that be okay with your sister? I don’t want to intrude.”
    He stopped walking and turned her to face him. She felt the warmth of his palm against her cheek. He kissed her forehead. “It’ll be fine. My sister is going to love you.”
    As they walked back to his bike, they made plans to go to a movie one night when

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