
Read Online Ondrej by Saranna DeWylde - Free Book Online

Book: Ondrej by Saranna DeWylde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saranna DeWylde
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dragon,” she teased.
    “Perhaps, but it’s hard to be logical when I’m with you under the stars. It’s all magick now.”
    “It is, isn’t it?” She looked up at the sky again. “I was thinking that same thing earlier. I don’t see the stars very often as I’ve lived most of my life underground. I think if I were to go back under, I would miss them.”
    “It’s why I like that part of Kansas so much. It’s the nights in those hills with their green pastures, the occasional rebel tree so warped by the wind, and nights away from city lights and endless view of the sky. I can fly there, spread my wings, if only for a little while.”
    “It has a stark sort of beauty, when we’re not being chased by ghouls.”
    “It’s curious how Dezo raised him with his blood. Did you see that?”
    “He wasn’t a witch, so there’s still another player.” She shuddered thinking about him.
    “That’s still out there, and so are the others. If the ghouls are as smart as I think they are, they destroyed the bikes, and I’ll take a sweet revenge for that.”
    “How are we going to get in touch?”
    “I’ll call them. They’ll hear me no matter how far underground they’ve gone. I have a plan. I don’t like it, but I think it’s all we can do.”
    She nodded for him to go on.
    “We get everyone here, and we camp through the day. When night falls, we fly to the Remus compound. We’ll know soon enough if Borgia is part of the problem.”
    “If he is, then what?”
    “I’ll eliminate him and his entire pack.”
    “That’s an outright act of war from you.”
    “It is. And I don’t give a fuck. I’m not leaving you with a male who tried to kill you. As it is, if you decide there’s no other way to save the Orlaith, I’ll never be too far away. If you need me.”
    Emotion choked her. She’d never felt so many things at once. “I don’t think I’m strong enough to leave you, even if that’s what it takes.”
    “We’ll do what we must.” He rolled over and kissed her. “Because that’s who we are.”
    The orange fingers of dawn had begun streaking across the sky, pulling back the blanket of darkness and stars.
    She realized he was right.
    She also realized he made her better, made her set the standards for herself higher. She didn’t think that Borgia Remus would be able to do that.
    Krysanthe started tugging on her clothes and just as she’d stuffed her feet into her boots, Imre and Aranka landed in the crater.
    Aranka had pancakes and bacon.
    “Where did you get that?” Krys ran to her and hugged her.
    “Silver Dollar City tourist trap. Here.” She handed her the takeout box. “We’ve got one for you, too.” Aranka shoved one at the thankfully now dressed Ondrej.
    Krysanthe shoved a bite of pancake in her mouth. “Sometimes you have great ideas.”
    “I have great ideas all the time,” Aranka replied.
    Ondrej swallowed all three pancakes in one bite.
    “I told you we should’ve brought more,” Imre said.
    “Well, it’s not like I can miracle gold from my ass like my sister can.” Aranka took a bite of her bacon.
    It took Mikolas and Voshkie longer to arrive, but when they did, Vosh headed straight for Aranka. “Tell me you got some for me.”
    Voshkie was bloodied and dirty, as was Mikolas.
    “Looks like you ran into trouble,” Ondrej said.
    “Yeah, quite a bit of it. Voshkie has an idea and I don’t like it, but it might be the best plan we’ve got,” Mikolas nodded and watched as Voshkie ate two portions of pancakes. He rolled his eyes.
    “Vosh, that was for Mik,” Aranka said.
    “Sorry?” She arched a brow.
    “Here. There’s an extra one,” Imre handed Mikolas a box.
    “Where are Fabian and Dezo?” Mik asked around his bite.
    “I don’t know where Fabian is. He hasn’t responded to my call. But Dezo isn’t coming.”
    Krysanthe wanted to support him, to hold his hand while he had to tell his brothers another of their own was not only gone, but that he’d

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