On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel)

Read Online On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander - Free Book Online

Book: On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.B. Alexander
eyes were still vampire black, and I imagined mine were still violet.
    “I need to feed,” I said instead of arguing with him.
    “Don’t move.” He was gone in a flash.
    I took one breath, and he handed me a container of blood. I chugged it down. “Thank you.”
    “For?” He pulled a strand of hair off my forehead.
    “For keeping me from destroying your house. But I won’t thank you for holding me back from punching her. I so wanted to.”
    “She’s not worth it. Besides, knowing what you can do with your powers, it was best you didn’t go there, especially with your upcoming hearing.”
    I shrugged as I took the last sip of blood. I didn’t want to admit he was right.
    The door clicked. Webb and I glanced over the couch.
    George came in and took a seat on the window bench. Webb had a plush window seat built in front of one of the stationary floor-to-ceiling glass doors.
    George let out a breath and scrubbed a hand down his face. “She gave me a message to give to you, Webb.”
    “Is she gone?” I asked.
    “Her car is not in the driveway. That’s all I can tell you.”
    “What does that mean?” I looked at Webb.
    “It means she may be slinking around the house, if I know her,” Webb said.
    “Creepy” was the only word to come to mind.
    “What’s the message?” Webb asked.
    “Kate wants to talk to you.”
    My eyes widened. What could she possibly want?
    Webb leaned back against the couch, a muscle popping in his jaw. “About?”
    “Kate will be at the fundraiser on Sunday.” George leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “Are you going to a fundraiser?” His eyes stayed focused on Webb.
    “Yes. It’s being hosted by Victor Costner.” Webb’s hand snaked out, and he tapped me on the leg.
    I didn’t know if he was asking me to come closer, but I curled up next to him. “How does Kate know you’re going?”
    He didn’t waste any time wrapping me with his arms. His body shook slightly as he buried his face in my hair.
    “Good question,” George said.
    Webb eased back. “Mmmph. Great question.”
    “Do you think someone on our side told her?” I asked. “You still suspect another person working on the inside.”
    “It’s possible,” Webb said. “Or the phones are bugged.”
    “You swept the base. Didn’t you?”
    Webb let me go and rose. “I need to call the commander. George, can you give Stan a call? Have him check around the area. I want to make sure Nicki is not hanging around.”
    George unfolded himself from the window bench. “You know she is, Webb. I’m sorry to have to say that. But I’ll call Stan, then I’ll scope the property. It shouldn’t be hard to find her car, if she’s still here.”
    “I’ll go with George,” I jumped off the couch. I would love to find her and finish what we started.
    Webb had his hand on his cell phone. “Like hell you will!”
    I stuck my fists on my hips. “Why not? I’m capable of handling myself.”
    He let out what I thought was a laugh, but it sounded like a grunt. “It’s not you I’m worried about.” He shoved his phone back in his pocket.
    “What?” My voice hitched.
    “I’ll call you in a bit, Webb.” George walked out the front door.
    Webb turned to me. “Jo, your powers would kill her. I know you’re not aware of the severity of what you can sling at someone, but I’m here to tell you, even I’m a little intimidated, especially after you somehow sucked the air out of this room.”
    I harrumphed. “You’re afraid of me? Between you and my dad, you could both destroy an army.”
    “You could do it all by yourself.”
    I swallowed, remembering Edmund’s prediction for the second time today. “You’ll have powers the vampire world hadn’t seen in all of their existence,” he’d told me.
    He held out his hand. “Let’s go, Jo. We’ll walk the property.”
    I didn’t move. “I thought you were going to call my dad?”
    “I will when we get back.”
    I wanted to stomp my foot like a child. Webb

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