On My Own: Book Three in the Who's Your Daddy series

Read Online On My Own: Book Three in the Who's Your Daddy series by Rhonda Marks - Free Book Online

Book: On My Own: Book Three in the Who's Your Daddy series by Rhonda Marks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Marks
reached over to grab his pants and fumbled a bit trying to pull out a condom. She snatched it from his trembling hand and smiled while slowly rolling it onto his iron hard erection.
    Slowly, he lowered both of them onto the bed, all the while worshipping her mouth with his. As much as he wanted to surge inside her body, he wanted to take things slowly and treasure this moment. With a twinkle in her eye, Caroline pushed him in the chest and reversed their positions so she lay on top of him.
    He lifted her hips and positioned her entrance over his penis, waiting for her signal. When she gave him a shaky nod, he let her body slide down and he entered her inch by tantalizing inch. Home.
    Once fully seated, she began to roll her hips, making his head fall forward and rest on top of hers. A shiver ran down his spine and he felt as though he was going out of his mind because of the myriad of emotions flowing through him. As she made her down stroke, he pushed upward, causing both of them to cry out in pleasure.
    A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face and she reached up to tenderly wipe it away. Regret and loss rolled around in his head. And thoughts of what their life could have been made him choke up. But they had now, and he intended to make the most of it.
    Caroline began to tense up once more, on the verge of another orgasm. “Wait for me baby.” One, two more strokes and both of them tumbled over that precipice together.
    “I can’t stay,” she sleepily murmured while snuggling into his side.
    “I know,” he responded. But soon both of them were fast asleep, unaware of a brewing media storm.

    Chapter Nine
    Caroline smiled as she rolled over in her bed, recalling the hours she spent with Dirk in his hotel suite. After their nap, they awoke wrapped in each other’s arms and made love again. She thought there was no way the second time could be as magical as the first, but he proved her wrong in every way. It was almost three o’clock in the morning before the limo returned her home. He promised to call after practice and she couldn’t wait to hear his voice.
    Bam, bam, bam! Caroline’s heart leaped into her throat when she heard the pounding on her front door. She rolled out of bed and snatched the robe lying on a nearby chair. While stuffing her arms inside, JJ ran into her room.
    “What’s going on, mom?” His eyes wide open, he bounced from one foot to the other. “Why are all those people out there?”
    “I don’t know, baby.” She scooted over to the window and peered outside to discover her front yard covered with people. Most had cameras perched on their shoulders or large microphones in their hands. This was so not good. “Baby, go put some clothes on.”
    As soon as he sprinted out of the room, Caroline tossed on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. She then swiped a brush through her unruly hair and pulled it back into a puffy ponytail. Before she could leave the room, her cell phone rang. Her dad. Not even. Not now.
    As she approached the front door she took a fortifying breath, placed a hand on the door knob and said a prayer. With the door barely ajar, a reporter shoved a microphone through the crack and yelled, “So, is it true you and Dirk Benedict have a love child?”
    The question smacked her between the eyes and made her sway on her feet. She wanted to shut the door, but the reporter had strategically placed his foot there. Her first instinct was to slam the door, his foot be damned, but she heard a noise behind her. JJ stood a few feet away from her, his mouth gaped open. Not wanting her son to hear what was going on, she stepped out the door and closed it behind her.
    Caroline couldn’t believe how much the crowd had swelled since she first looked outside. In addition to the media horde parked on her lawn, her neighbors had joined the circus. Far in the back she spied her parents, and from the look on their faces, they were far from happy.
    But she was not concerned

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