On Lone Star Trail

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Book: On Lone Star Trail by Amanda Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Cabot
Tags: FIC042040, FIC027020
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and see what the town’s premier—translation: only—eating establishment offered.
    â€œHowdy, stranger. What can I get you?” The brown-haired, brown-eyed man gave him an appraising look as he handed TJ a laminated menu.
    â€œJust a cup of coffee.” Breakfast had been more substantial than TJ was accustomed to, making him suspect he’d be able to survive on the two meals a day that Rainbow’s End provided. That would help him stretch his remaining cash until he decided what to do next.
    â€œThere you go,” the man said as he slid a large mug in front of TJ, “and now that you have a cup of the finest java in Dupree, you’re no longer a stranger.” He extended his hand for a shake. “I’m Russ Walker, and this is my place.”
    â€œTJ Benjamin.” As he returned the introduction, TJ took a sip of coffee, wincing when the overly strong and bitter brew slid down his throat. Hastily, he added cream and sugar to the beverage.
    â€œYou staying out at Rainbow’s End or just passing through?” Russ Walker asked. It was more than casual conversation, TJ knew. This was quintessential small-town America at work. Residents looked after each other, and that included determining whether strangers were potential threats.
    â€œI’ll be at Rainbow’s End for a couple days,” TJ said as he explained what had brought him to the self-proclaimed Heart of the Hills.
    The barely veiled suspicion in the man’s eyes disappeared, replaced by sympathy. “It’s a doggone shame about your bike, but Eric St. George is a good man. He’ll do you right.”
    TJ nodded and took another sip of coffee. With the addition of what seemed like half a jar of sugar and a cup of cream, it was tolerable. “That’s what everyone says.” He could only hope the praise wasn’t misplaced. “You said his name was St. George. Any relation to the St. George apartment building that’s under construction?”
    Russ Walker leaned on the counter, his smile announcing his delight at being the one to convey news. “You could say so. Fact is, the building was named for him, his wife, and his daughter. They all work at Rainbow’s End now. Carmen’s the cook, Marisa does the books, and from what I’ve heard, Eric does just about everything else.”
    â€œIt’s an unusual place.” Though he had no intention of remaining once his bike was repaired, TJ had to admit that the combination of the beautiful location, excellent food, and comfortable bed was appealing. If it hadn’t been for those RVs across the road, TJ might have said it was close to perfect.
    Russ picked up the coffeepot and refilled TJ’s mug. “I heard Gillian Hodge is out there. Did you happen to meet her?”
    Though he was surprised that Russ knew Gillian’s name, TJ suspected her connection to Kate and Greg might be the reason she was not a total stranger in town. Guessing that the Sit ‘n’ Sip’s proprietor sought more news for the local grapevine, TJnodded. “You could say that. She’s the one who rescued me when I crashed my bike.”
    The man’s eyes widened. “Is she as pretty as her pictures?”
    Pictures? “I can’t say. I never saw any pictures, but she’s easy on the eyes.” A pretty face, curves in all the right places, and hair that reminded him of a sunset. Yes, indeed, Gillian Hodge was easy on the eyes.
    Russ nodded, as if he’d read TJ’s thoughts. “I figured she would be. It sure is a pity what happened to her.”
    â€œI’m afraid you lost me there.” But if TJ’s suppositions about Russ’s fondness for gossip were correct, he’d soon learn whatever had happened to Gillian.
    Straightening his shoulders, Russ drew himself to his full height and puffed out his chest, clearly relishing his role of being in the know. “I’m surprised no

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