Olympus Device 2: The Olympus Device Book Two

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Book: Olympus Device 2: The Olympus Device Book Two by Joe Nobody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Nobody
Tags: Fiction, Action & Adventure
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rail gun. The green LED was visible despite his darkened visor. A few moments later, he dropped the steel ball into the breach and then began rolling toward the roadblock.
    His first thoug ht was to blow away the two cruisers barricading the road, but as he ventured closer, he hesitated. The cross street beyond was full of cars, probably filled with rubberneckers gawking at the roadblock and speculating about what was going on. Businesses and homes filled the space beyond the obstruction.
    Th e cop behind him was still evident in the motorcycle’s rear-view mirror, moving closer and cutting off any retreat. He was committed. Two blocks away, a panic-induced idea popped into Dusty’s mind.
    He slowed the bike and stopped in the middle of the road. Raising the weapon to his shoulder, he centered the cross hairs on the pavement 15 feet in front of the two patrol cars and squeezed the trigger.
    A surge of electrical current shot into the first magnet as it rotated around the steel projectile. It pushed the small metal ball forward. The computer-controlled sequence then directed the electrical charge at the second magnet. In less than a thousandth of a second, it pulled.
    The sequence continued down the barrel, each magnet pushing and pulling, the steel bullet accelerating so quickly that heat friction turned it into a molten stream of slag before it ever exited the muzzle.
    Despite the change of state from a solid to a liquid, the velocity continued to increase, approaching critical mass just a few feet beyond where Dusty sat on the bike. The universe couldn’t allow any object to exceed the speed of light and reacted to protect itself.
    A portal opened, creating a channel into a parallel plane of existence – an alternative reality where the speed of light was faster… where the rail gun’s projectile wouldn’t do any harm.
    The portal was small, only a few inches wide. But where there had been the matter, gravity, mass and time of Dusty’s reality, suddenly there was a new existence. Two objects couldn’t occupy the same space at the same time, and an expansion occurred, the matter of this universe violently pushed aside. The displacement was more rapid and powerful than even a nuclear detonation.
    The pavement in front of the two blocking patrol cars erupted skyward, the asphalt and earth below shoved out of the way by an irresistible force. The surrounding soil was compressed, making room for the portal as it absorbed Dusty’s shot.
    As quickly as it appeared, the pipeline into the alternative universe closed, leaving a vacuum in its wake. Just as rapidly as they had been pushed aside, matter and energy rushed to fill the void, and that reaction exponentially amplified the violence.
    All along the path of Dusty’s projectile, molecules slammed into each other at hypersonic speeds. The blast wave was devastating.
    In the blink of an eye, the front halves of the two patrol cars were lifted into the air as if they were toys. By the time gravity recovered and sucked them back down, a ten-foot deep trench had been cut through the street. Both machines landed hard and then slid into the new ditch. The nearby officers were tossed aside, thrown over 30 feet through the air as if they were merely rag dolls.
    The newly created canyon e xtended past the roadblock, vehicles passing in the street beyond, falling into what most drivers initially believed was a sinkhole.
    With the rail gun folded and stashed between his legs, Dusty maneuvered the bike through the smoldering heaps of crumbled soil and pavement, barely squeezing through the instantly snarled gridlock of traffic before accelerating away.
    “Dear God in heaven,” he whispered as he passed through the destruction, “Please, please, please. I pray I didn’t just take any more innocent life.”

    No one was sure what had happened. Some of the radio traffic indicated a g as main had erupted while others claimed a bomb had detonated. The FBI man knew exactly what it

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