Of Sorcery and Snow

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Book: Of Sorcery and Snow by Shelby Bach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelby Bach
Miriam and meet you there. The Director will be more suspicious if she sees all of us together.”
    â€œBut we’re always together,” I pointed out.
    â€œAnd the Director is always suspicious,” Lena replied. “Didn’t you see her looking at us right before she announced Miriam’s Tale?”
    Chase held the M3 up as he walked. “For someone who hates breaking the rules, Lena shows a lot of talent for it.”
    Waiting for Chase to find the LaMarelle’s spare key and let himself in was torture . Waiting for Lena and Miriam to come in was even worse. Especially when Amy knocked on my bedroom door and brought me back to San Francisco with a jolt. “Ten minutes before dinner.”
    â€œOkay!” I called back.
    Mom and Amy. I couldn’t leave them unprotected, not when those wolves were roaming around. I should have thought of that before.
    â€œChase. I have to tell you something.” In fifty words or less, I explained what had happened in the grocery store.
    â€œAnd you didn’t mention this earlier ?” Chase said in that special annoyed way he got when he was worried about me.
    â€œYour news was more important,” I reminded him. “But do you think they’ll try again?”
    â€œOf course they’ll try again,” Chase said. “She went after Lena a few months ago, and now she’s after you.”
    â€œYou think she’ll attack if I’m not here?” Then I’d have to stay. I imagined the weekend ahead, wondering if I could have rescued those kids, and the weeks after that, explaining and re-explaining everything to Mom.
    â€œYou mean, if we go with Miriam?” Chase said. He thought about it for a second. “No, I doubt it. The Snow Queen goes after your family to use them against you. If we all go on the quest, she’ll have two other potential targets close by: me and Lena. She wouldn’t waste energy going after people in the human world instead.”
    Wow. I was definitely excited to go on the quest now.
    â€œBesides,” Chase added, “we might not go.” He flipped the mirror around so I could watch Miriam and Lena crashing through the door.
    â€œAre you sure you don’t want to take someone from your grade?” Lena asked anxiously.
    Maybe it had been wishful thinking on my part, until I heard her trying to change the Tale bearer’s mind, but I didn’t realize Lena had expected Miriam to say no.
    â€œYep,” said Miriam, stalking into the room. “Do you know what Natalie said when the Director cancelled the quest? ‘So, I get to use my glass slippers after all.’ I don’t need any Companions who are more excited about some stupid dance than saving my brother.”
    So we were going.
    I wished there were three of me—one to stand guard all weekend to keep my family safe, one to tell Mom the truth without freaking her out, and one to rescue the Pied Piper’s victims. But Chase said Mom and Amy would be safer without me. That meant the Portland kids were in the most danger. I had to focus on that.
    â€œWe should leave tomorrow. During the ball.” It was the only time Mom would let me go to EAS, but I hated that I was planning to disappear on her again .
    â€œGood idea,” Chase said, resigned. “Dances are always chaos. The Director won’t be watching us so closely.”
    â€œOkay.” Lena grabbed a notebook from the coffee table and pulled a pen out of her pocket. “Let’s write a list of everything we need.”
    â€œWe have to sneak into the library,” Miriam said eagerly. “I want to find out why Rumpel and the Director freaked.”
    Lena grimaced, obviously wishing we didn’t have to, but she wrote it down anyway. “We’ll do that during the ball too. I think I can find a good illusion spell that’ll keep the Director from realizing we’ve even left the dance floor.”

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