Obsidian Faith

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Book: Obsidian Faith by Bev Elle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bev Elle
startup company someday, and never go back to Phil and his fucked up life. Trevor was first to arrive so he got the choice side of the room, that is the side with the least worn furniture.
    Even when everything was unpacked, his side looked sparse. He’d managed to cobble together most of what he needed from the lists the college provided, but as he watched his roommate settle in with the help of his parents Trevor realized he’d missed some things. He was leaving his dorm to make a much-needed trip to Wal-Mart when a mini-van pulled up to the unloading area in front of his dorm, the horn blasting.
    Isaiah, Brenda and Shanice hopped out. Trevor felt kind of shitty considering how he’d avoided them so much. Well, everyone but Shanice. She never stopped calling.
    “What the... ?” Trevor said, not caring that his face-splitting grin wasn’t how college freshmen trying to be cool behaved.
    “We came to make sure you settled in okay,” Brenda said. “We couldn’t let our favorite new USF Bull move in without all the essentials.”
    “Yeah, and we brought you a lot of stuff, too,” Shanice said, and sidled up to him. Trevor threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close to his side, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
    He shared hugs all around with Brenda and Isaiah and then they brought the stuff they’d come with up to his room. Needless to say, a trip to Wally World wasn’t warranted after the surprise shopping spree the Bailey’s brought to him. Now he had a stocked mini-fridge, a microwave, and matching bed and window accessories.
    “How’d you guys know I didn’t have any of this stuff?” Trevor asked.
    “Shanice told us you were driving down on your own,” Isaiah said.
    “And we knew Phil didn’t have a clue,” Brenda said. “Besides, we couldn’t let Elena and David’s only son go without a proper college send-off.”
    Trevor’s throat tightened at the mention of Elena and David. He just hugged Brenda, then changed the subject.
    “So, where’s Zeke and Ezra?”
    “They’re with grandma being spoiled to high heaven,” Isaiah said.
    Brenda popped her husband playfully on the back of the head. “My babies are not spoiled,” she declared.
    Isaiah bristled and backed away from his wife. “Actually, the boys are little angels,” he said with an elaborate roll of his eyes.
    “Well, they’re not as spoiled as some of the other children at church, anyway.” Shanice said.
    Brenda smoothed the comforter on Trevor’s bed one final time and stood back up. “Did we run your roommate and his parents off?”
    “No,” Trevor said, running a hand through his hair. “They went to dinner.”
    “Speaking of,” Isaiah said. “We’d like to take you out to eat before we head back home, unless you’ve got other plans.”
    “Plans? What plans?” Trevor said grabbing his keys off his bedside table.
    Dinner went by too fast for Trevor, but he wasn’t about to be a wuss and beg the Baileys not to leave. They were just about the only people he’d miss in Orlando, to be honest.
    When they dropped him off in front of the dorm they all got out again to say a proper goodbye.
    Isaiah shook his hand and gave him a hug. “You have our numbers. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.”
    “Thanks, Isaiah.” Trevor said.
    Brenda hugged him tight, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “I’ll send you care packages,” she promised.
    “Who does that anymore?” Isaiah said.
    “I do,” Brenda said with a stubborn hike of her chin. “My parents sent them to me when I was in college. There’s nothing like getting little surprises in the mail.”
    “Thanks, Brenda.” Trevor said. “I’ll look forward to them.”
    Shanice clung to him and cried like she’d never see him again. “Aw, squirt,” Trevor said, patting her back.  “It’s not the end of the world.”
    “It’s just... I’m going to miss you so much.”
    “I’m going to miss you, too. But you can email

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