
Read Online Afterburn by Sylvia Day - Free Book Online

Book: Afterburn by Sylvia Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia Day
were draped across his broad shoulders; my fingers were in his silky hair. I was drinking him in, tasting champagne and Jax, lifting onto my toes to deepen the connection.
    As always, he gave me what I demanded of him.
    Holding me still, he ate at my mouth, stroking with the velvet lash of his tongue, nibbling with lips and teeth, sliding his lips back and forth across mine. Savoring me. Turning a simple kiss into an erotic melding that had me trembling with pleasure.
    God, I’d missed him. Missed the way he made me feel.
    He growled, the rough sound vibrating against me. His hands slid downward, rubbing along my back, holding me in place as he rolled his hips and brushed the thick length of his erection against my cleft. Desire shot through me, flushing my skin. He smelled delicious, the subtle fragrance of his soap mixing with the virile scent that was his alone. I wanted to wallow in him the way I used to, pressing my naked body to his until even air couldn’t come between us.
    “Gia,” he murmured gruffly, his lips sliding along my cheek. “Christ, I want you.”
    I closed my eyes, my hands fisting in the thick strands of his hair. I was on fire for him, my skin feeling too tight and sensitive. “You had me.”
    “I made the right decision walking away.” His breath gusted over my temple. “That doesn’t mean I don’t regret it.”
    A tiny voice of caution was screaming. “You’ll hurt me.”
    “I’ll worship you.” One of his hands captured my nape. The other gripped my hip, urging me into the slide of his hardness against my clit. “You remember how it was. Hours with my hands and mouth on you, my cock inside you—”
    “For how long?” My core was clenching, tightening in demand for an orgasm.
    “Weeks.” He groaned. “Months. Jesus, I’m so hard it hurts.”
    I struggled out of his hold. “I need more than sex.”
    He let me go, but his gaze was fierce and hot. “I’ll give you everything I’ve got.”
    “For a few weeks?” I trembled from the effort of staying away from him when he was all I craved. “A few months?”
    “Gia.” Jax scrubbed his hands over his face. “Damn it. Take what I can give you.”
    “It’s not enough!”
    “It has to be. Christ... Don’t ask me to turn you into one of them!”
    I jerked back, startled by his vehemence. “What are you talking about?”
    He turned his back to the house and picked up the bottle of champagne, drinking deeply.
    Confused, I studied him and saw only mulish determination. I looked past him into the ballroom, seeing the glittering couples inside. Lei appeared at that moment, walking onto the terrace with Chad on her arm.
    In that moment I understood how badly I wanted to unravel the mystery of Jax, bad enough that I didn’t care how much it was going to cost me.
    “Mind if we join you?” Lei asked as she and Chad approached.
    Her eyes caught mine. I sank onto the bench, my body still throbbing with unappeased hunger.
    Glancing at Jax, I found his eyes on me. A challenge was there in those dark depths. I held my hand out for the champagne, gripping the bottle by the neck when he handed it to me.
    I lifted it in toast and drank to that dare.

Chapter 6
    D ON ’ T DISAPPEAR . See me again....
    Jax’s last words, whispered in my ear as we said goodbye, haunted me on the flight back to New York.
    If I tangled with him I’d get hurt, because I would hope. I wanted more. But what choice did I have? I had to know what had gone so wrong before and what was still holding him back now. I’d always assumed it was me—who I was, where I came from—not meshing with who he was and what he wanted long-term.
    I glanced at Lei, who was seated across from me on the plane, as she opened her clutch and withdrew a folded piece of paper. She slid it over and I smoothed it out on the table in front of us. I read the first paragraph, shot a look down to see the signature at the bottom, then lifted my head.
    “Oh, my God... You got Chad to

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