Obsidian Beauty (The Obsidian Series Book 1)

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Book: Obsidian Beauty (The Obsidian Series Book 1) by Emily Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Walker
building. A place like this would probably have decent security to keep the meth heads from trying to sneak in and steal from them. The warehouse was probably part of the operation. Scott noticed for the first time that to the left of the building they were watching there was a guy loading boxes of clear crystals into cardboard boxes.
    Almost squealing, Scott realized the meth was present. Now all they had to do was wait for Benton to show up.
    That was until the guy loaded the cardboard boxes into a van and left the scene altogether.
    “Well shit,” Scott said.

Chapter Ten
    They had been on the stakeout for a while when Abigail began to doubt the ringleaders were actually coming. It was past three o’clock. She knew it was the time they were supposed to be there.
    Scott was right up against her in the hiding spot, and it was almost cozy and comforting. She felt safe with him next to her, which was a great, yet confusing, feeling. After what seemed like forever, she saw a black van coming down the road.
    “That must be the cookers.” She slapped Scott’s arm with nervous excitement as she spoke. He smiled at how amped up she was, but felt nervous she might take off running toward the scene at any minute.
    The van took its time getting down the street and then sat outside the warehouse for a long time.
    Finally, the door opened and several men got out first, with Benton falling out behind them. He hit the ground hard and the other men jerked him to his feet. This was a new development and not one they had foreseen when they made the plan.
    Through the binoculars, Abigail could see they had Benton tied up. His eye was bleeding, and he was walking with a slight limp. Could they be preparing to kill him? What had he done? She started to panic and turned wide-eyed to Scott.
    He held his hands up to keep her from talking. They weren’t too close, but they weren’t that far away either. If they staged anyone outside of the warehouse, they would certainly hear them. Watching, Scott noticed there were five men surrounding the mayor and it didn’t look promising for him. There didn’t appear to be anyone with any drugs in the vicinity, which wasn’t good for the busting business.
    “How do you think he was hurt? They had to beat him up, right?” Abigail whispered and couldn’t quite read the look Scott was giving her.
    “Was he injured during your wild sex, you think?” Scott’s jealousy seeped out of his pores, and he couldn’t help how nice it felt to be next to her, even on a stakeout of her lover.
    “We didn’t have sex, you dumbass.” She hadn’t told him that yet because it hadn’t come up. Knowing Scott had been struggling with that fact for a little while made her smile a bit.
    He didn’t have time to respond. Someone started yelling inside, and he could see it was the mayor. Somehow, he didn’t think this was something a person should do when being held hostage. The sound of guns firing startled them both, and they tried to see if they could tell who had been shot.
    Abigail whipped out her phone and texted Thomas, who was waiting at a safe location to call the police for her. She told him to tell them they saw the mayor in town and they heard gunshots. Neither she nor Scott moved while waiting for the police to arrive. A couple of times Scott thought he’d better do his job and go in to try and keep anyone else from being shot.
    They couldn’t see Benton from where they were, but they could see four men inside, walking around. One shorter man stood outside the door as a guard with a very large gun. When Scott went to stand up, Abigail pulled him back down.
    “Don’t be a hero. Just wait for the rest to get here.”
    It took forever until they finally heard the sirens coming, and even longer for the first of the police cars to show up. She hoped Thomas had been able to convey the dangerous situation they were driving into and no one would get hurt.
    All of the cars swung into

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