
Read Online Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray - Free Book Online

Book: Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
I—I think the Sorcerer had her.”
    “The gishla?” Aric asked, a new, unexplained rage boiling up within him.
    “Yes,” Liana whispered. “My visions are usually of future events, but not always.” Her voice rose as her words tumbled from her lips in a rush. “I must find her to keep this from happening. I must help her at once!”
    Although Aric felt an intense desire to rescue the gishla, he shook his head. “No. It is not possible.”
    Liana’s pale cheeks reddened and she tried to push away from Aric, but he refused to release her. “It is my fault the Sorcerer will try to take Ranelle. If I have to, I will trade my life for hers!”
    Aric clenched his jaw and his grip tightened on Liana. “I will die before I see you mated with Zanden.”
    She stilled. “So I am naught but your duty?”
    “No. My—” Aric stopped himself. He had almost said, My love .
    Gritting his teeth, he released his hold on her. He took her by the hand and drew her toward the shore. “Come. We need food, and then we can discuss what you saw while in the Bewitching Pool.”

Chapter Five
    When Liana felt somewhat calmer, and their bellies were full of journey cakes, cheese, and dried apples, Aric bade her to join him on a log beside the smoldering fire. The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the clearing, and squirrels chattered overhead in the pines.
    The grass felt cool beneath Liana’s bare feet as she walked toward Aric. Baethel whickered as he grazed on the opposite side of the meadow, shaking his head at a swarm of pink and purple butterflies floating by. In the distance the river sounded louder than ever before, rushing through the forest just as blood roared through her veins when she neared the man she had once called stranger.
    Aric had dressed in his tunic and breeches, and she had a blanket wrapped around her with a rope cinched about her waist. The blanket was so large on her that she felt as if she were clothed in a tent from a sideshow. He had insisted she cover herself in more than her sheer costume, and she knew it was because he feared he wouldn’t be able to rein in his lust if she remained naked, or even semi-naked, in his presence.
    She seriously considered taking the blanket off, just to torture the man.
    With a sigh she settled beside him on the log, and braced her palms against the rough bark. Aric’s musky male scent filled her senses, making her long for him more than ever. Once she tasted all of him, once he filled her, would she be satisfied? Or would she crave him even more?
    “Before your vision of the gishla, what did you see?” Aric asked, his deep voice jolting Liana from her carnal thoughts. His eyes flicked from her to the fire, as though he dared not gaze upon her too long.
    Heat rose to her cheeks at the memory of her first vision. “I—I saw my friend Tierra.”
    Aric’s eyes met Liana’s “Was she well?”
    “Yes.” She grew warmer yet as he cocked his brow. “Tierra was enjoying the pleasures of—of a woman.”
    He smiled and looked at her in a sensual way that made her nipples harden and her body ache for him. “Have you experienced such with a female?” he asked, his voice a husky murmur.
    Her eyes widened and her face burned as hot as the cooking fire. “I—I of course not.”
    If she did not count having an orgasm while watching Tierra and the woman.
    Aric captured Liana’s chin in his hand, and she caught her breath at the feel of his fingers against her skin. “In some cultures, it is normal for women to enjoy each other in every way. It is considered an extension of their friendship.”
    Liana barely dared to breathe. She desired for him to kiss her so badly she ached with it. “Friendship?”
    He nodded, his face mere fractions from hers. “In the Elvin Kingdom, sensuality between those of both sexes is as natural as the air we breathe. And often expected as a matter of ritual or ceremony.”
    “It is?” Liana’s nipples tightened at the husky sound

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