Nursing The Doctor

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Book: Nursing The Doctor by Bobby Hutchinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Hutchinson
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earth was wrong with her? She’d seen people far more mangled than Greg, people with limbs missing, youngsters with spinal injuries that guaranteed they’d never move again, children burned beyond recognition.
    Why should this one particular man’s misfortune affect her so profoundly? He would, after all, recover. She didn’t know why. She didn’t care. All she could do was feel, and her heart hurt for him.
    Greg, oh Greg.
    Tears poured from her eyes, and a new round of sobs wrenched painfully through her chest.

    Tears spent, Lily regained some measure of control. She washed her flushed face, ran her fingers through her hair and reapplied lipstick and a touch of mascara, then made her way down the labyrinth of corridors that led to Frannie’s office.
    “So how did the visit to Doc Brulotte go?” Frannie shot a curious look at Lily, obviously aware of her swollen eyes and flushed face.
    “Okay, I guess. It bothers me a lot to see someone I’ve worked with every day that hurt and helpless, though.”
    Frannie nodded. “I spoke to one of the nurses from orthopedics this morning. She says he’s in quite a bit of pain and that he’s not the easiest patient they’ve ever had. He’ll likely go down to rehab before long, and when he does she said the nurses on ortho are planning to send a sympathy card to the staff.”
    Lily had to smile. “He’s that bad, huh? Well, he could be a tyrant in the ER when things weren’t going the way he thought they should. We had more than a few heated discussions.”
    Frannie gave her a curious look. “You care for this guy, huh, Lily?”
    Lily felt herself flushing, and cursed the involuntary reaction. “As a co-worker, of course I care for him. But not in any other way. He’s not the kind of guy any woman in her right mind would fall for. He prefers quantity over quality when it comes to women.”
    “Sometimes your heart does things in spite of what your head knows is sensible,” Frannie said with a rueful grin. “You ever go out with him?”
    Lily shook her head. “He asked a couple of times, but he’s too much of a womanizer for me, Fran. He’s really attractive, but he scares me.” Her voice hardened. “I grew up watching my father go through women the way a junkie goes through needles. I don’t want or need another man like that in my life.”
    “This accident’s going to change his life pretty drastically. He might just be a different person by the time he’s recovered.” Fran winked and said in a teasing tone, “Maybe the jury’s still out.”
    “Maybe. But I doubt he’ll change.”
    Lily had had enough of discussing Greg. The subject made her both emotional and uneasy.
    “How about coming over to the house for dinner tomorrow night? Kaleb’s off and he’ll be cooking. I’d like you to meet him.”
    Frannie hesitated. “I’d love to, but I’m baby-sitting Taylor. Heather’s going to a support group for bipolars.”
    “Why not bring him along? Zoe’s still with us, and she’d be in seventh heaven. She loves other kids.”
    “Sure you don’t mind? Taylor can get pretty rambunctious.”
    Lily laughed. “You haven’t seen Zoe at her best, but you have seen the house, Frannie. Kaleb and I haven’t taken up interior decorating since you were over last.”
    Frannie grinned. “I’d love to come.”
    “Gram’s certain at the moment that she’s living on a farm in Saskatchewan, so be prepared. Come around six?”
    “We’ll be there.”
    It was five minutes before six the next evening when the doorbell rang.
    “Can you get the door, Lily? I have to watch this sauce or the damn stuff’s gonna boil over,” Kaleb said. He glanced at the table where Hannah was making a pie.
    “Gram, I always cook the apples a little before I put them in the piecrust.”
    “You keep a civil tongue in your head, young man.” Hannah was having a good day. “I’ve been cooking for threshing crews for

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