Now You See Me

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Book: Now You See Me by Rachel Carrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Carrington
Tags: Erótica
immediately and the sergeant’s gruff voice answered. “Boss, what’s up?”
    “Ramsey. Is he in his cell?”
    “Where else would he be?” A chuckle accompanied the low growl.
    “It’s not a trivia question, Honesly. Check on him now.”
    Brad’s tone snapped the sergeant to attention. “Yes, sir. Hold the line.”
    “This is Brad Jericho,” Kate introduced Brad to the questioning officer. “He’s the warden at Marsden.”
    Static crackled over the line when Honesly released the hold button. “Sir, Ramsey is in his cell, playing solitaire.”
    “Thanks.” Brad ended the call before the sergeant could ask any questions. He returned his phone to the belt holder before shifting on the sofa to face Kate. “Ramsey’s still in his cell.”
    Kate shook her head, her lower lip caught between her teeth. “I saw him, Brad. I’m not imagining things.” She twisted one lock of hair around her finger. “He was standing right there when I pulled the curtain aside.”
    “Sir, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions,” the police officer interrupted. “Do you have any reason to believe John Ramsey was, at any point during this evening, out of his cell?”
    Brad jerked his head up. “No. The guy’s on death row.” He gave Kate’s hand a reassuring squeeze. He didn’t doubt her for one second. Ramsey was more slippery than a snake on ice and he had, without a doubt, made connections on the inside. Most of those connections might not be willing to help him, but if they treasured their lives, they would.
    “Right. Ms. Elliott is aware of this but is adamant she saw him. We told her it’s an impossibility but she is insistent that we speak with Mr. Ramsey.”
    “Please don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Kate snapped, yanking her hand out of Brad’s. “I know it’s impossible. It doesn’t change what I saw.”
    “It could have been the light—”
    She interrupted the cop before he could continue. “It wasn’t the light. It wasn’t my imagination and it wasn’t exhaustion. Believe me. I know how ludicrous this sounds but that was John Ramsey’s face at my door. I’d stake my career on it.”
    “That’s good enough for me.” Just before he stood, Brad caught the flash of surprise in her eyes. “It might seem impossible but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in dealing with killers, especially this one, it’s that they can be sneaky as hell.”
    The low murmur of voices in the room quieted. Brad figured it was because he’d sided with the illogical woman in the room. With a nod toward the door, he made short work of escorting the officers out of Kate’s house and onto the porch. He didn’t take much time to explain Ramsey’s penchant for games but he passed on enough information to make the cops believers as well. One of the officers, after confirming with his station, promised a patrol car would make regular rounds by her house.
    He returned to Kate’s side, sitting down on the edge of the coffee table to put himself across from her. Taking her hands, he chafed them between his own. “How are you holding up?”
    She lifted one shoulder, let it fall. “That’s going to have to be one of those questions I answer much, much later.”
    “How about some coffee?”
    “You know those cops were right. I couldn’t have seen what I saw, so why did you tell them you believed me?”
    “Because I do.” When her gaze fluttered to his face, he leaned in closer. “Listen to me. If John Ramsey targeted you, odds are good he didn’t just pick you out of the newspaper two weeks ago. He’s been planning this for a long time, which means he’s had both time and opportunity to set things into motion.”
    “Do you really think he has a twin we don’t know about?” Kate lowered her head, drew in a deep breath and met his gaze once more.
    “I doubt it, but what I don’t doubt is John’s craftiness. Haven’t you heard the saying that everyone has a twin in this world?”

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