Nothing Matters (Family Matters Book 1)

Read Online Nothing Matters (Family Matters Book 1) by Liana Key - Free Book Online

Book: Nothing Matters (Family Matters Book 1) by Liana Key Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liana Key
met him," he says.
    "Haven't you?" I feign disbelief.  "Oh well it will be a good time to introduce you."  I give him a smile. 
    "Tell me about him," Dad says, surprising me just a little.
    "What do you want to know?" I ask confidently, and stand right close to him.
    "Well, all I know is that he's from West.  Other than that, nothing."
    "Yeah, he's from West, he's a junior, he likes basketball and he loves me," I say.
    Dad raises his eyebrows.  "And I love him," I add, and lean into Dad, who is sitting on a high stool.  Dad has to put an arm around me to steady us, otherwise he'd topple off the seat.
    "Why does he need to stay the night?" Dad asks, "hasn't he got a car?"  Dad knows he has a car, so I'm thinking he's having a joke with me. 
    "He'll have work the next morning, so it will be easier for him to stay and then just go straight to work," I explain, hoping he gets my logic.
    "Where does he work?" Dad asks.  I tell him the name of the auto parts store.
    Dad rubs his chin and frowns, "I don't know, princess, I'm not totally happy with it."
    Anger takes over and I get snippy, "You know I've stayed at his house before?"
    Dad nods knowingly, "I'm aware."
    "Well, isn't it better if you know where I am, and after all I'm doing you and Antonia a favor," I say, snappily, and take a step away.
    "Hey, hey," he tries to calm me, "don't get angry."  He puts his arm out and pulls me back towards him.  "It's just that you've only been going out a few weeks."
    "Like six," I interrupt.  "Six weeks."  Though it has actually only been five.
    "I don't want to see you rush into anything and get hurt," he says, rubbing my shoulder.
    "Well it's too late then, because I've already rushed in," I say, frustrated.  "And why does everyone think I'm going to get hurt?  Jakey's saying the same thing."
    "Because we're all looking out for you," he says.  And he pulls me in close, hugs me.  "I'm not trying to be the bad guy, Magdala, I'm trying to be a good Dad."
    I pout at him, it usually works.  "If you met him," I whine, "you'd see how much he loves me, and he'll never hurt me."  I pull away.  "Just this once, please," I say, "otherwise I'll be here alone seeing Cash is going out.  And if you guys are late back, it's not fair if I make him drive home, he might already be asleep."  It sounds like a good argument to me.
    "I'll check with Antonia," he relents.
    "She already said to ask you," I say.
    He lets out a sigh.  "Okay then, just this time," he says, like he knows he's lost. 
    I smile and hug him tighter, "Thanks Daddy, I love you."
    "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he says smiling and the victory is mine.
    I'd never had Stacey come and stay over, well there was no need, he had that apartment all to himself.  I think because Stacey was my first relationship, I just let him dictate, just went along with everything he suggested, just followed.  I was probably like a little puppy lapping up to its owner, tongue hanging out, ready to do whatever I was told.  He had all the experience, I knew nothing.  I cringe at how naive I'd been.  Dad and Antonia had only met Stacey once, when he came to pick me up after the whole sleeping over fiasco.  Stacey had turned on the charm big time, and in retrospect, that's when my inner radar should have zoned in, but I was too blind, too infatuated by his good looks.  And I think because both Jakey and Cassian knew him, Dad had been less concerned than if he had been a complete unknown.
    I never think of Stacey now.  It hadn't been hard to switch off from him, and only now I know that it had never been real love.  Maybe, probably just pretend love.  When it's your first relationship, how do you even know.  Every feeling, every emotion is new, so you assume it's the real deal.  I wonder if that's why Jakey dates so much, he plays the field, never hangs around with one girl for too long.  As for Cash, he says he's never met anyone he's really been interested in, but it doesn't seem to bother

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