Notes from An Alien

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Book: Notes from An Alien by Alexander M Zoltai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexander M Zoltai
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endocrine implants in a way that masked any activation of either implant. These people were the Leadership Council's safety net—their eyes on the ground—and, eventually, their means to control the leadership of Anla. Since the overt war had ended and the Lord's Army and Faith of Eternity had been almost wiped out, Xela of the Disciples of Faith had become the planet's head of their Leadership Council. They needed a destabilizing force to counter her rationality.
        The ninety-five double-implants were all highly trained in various skills that were determined to be attractive to the Anlans. Getting them elected to or even near the Anlan Leadership Council was the goal.
        The members of the Angan Leadership Council all abruptly stopped communicating, with each other and the Corporate Mesh, simultaneously. All they could do was listen to the voice they heard:
        "My name is Akla. I choose to alert you to the folly of your plans. I do this not for you but for the people you attempt to enslave for your evil intentions.
        "You think that your plans, constantly amended as circumstances change, are becoming better plans, more capable of furthering your despicable ends.
        "Know this: your people are dying out because of your plans. Your World itself is becoming an entity that is dying at your hands.
        "I could choose to stop you but it will be more in accord with justice for you to continue your machinations and be caught out by the leaders on Anla-Purum.
        "Woe unto you and woe to all who ignore my warnings."
        The voice stopped resounding in their minds. Two of them fainted. One threw up. The other two began a trace on what they thought was a breach in their plasma communication channels.
    Xela sat in her straight-backed chair waiting for her Leadership Council to assemble. She had been in recent communication with Velu and Zena and was told that the followers of Akla, now called Aklans rather than Narians, as well as Akla himself were still committed to doing nothing to breach the treaty but still unwilling to have a seat on the Leadership Council.
        There had been the release of a set of writings by Akla, spread widely across the under-populated planet and, from what she suspected, transmitted to the Harians on Param.
        She had read them and was both impressed and chilled by the content. Akla was basically calling for a complete unity of all religious sects as well as asking for a convocation of representatives of all segments of both Worlds' populations, not just the Leadership Councils, to meet, face to face, and institute the measures he spelled out in his writings. None of them separately were distasteful to her but the implications of a Worlds' Government, meant to rule both Worlds, was something she found impossible to implement, no matter the desires of any leaders—in fact, because of the desires of the individual leaders.
        She was having trouble keeping the people on her World unified. What, she thought, except God's intervention, could unite the two Worlds?
    ShipFour arrived at Anla-Purum and the settlers were absorbed into the population. The distribution of settlement took more than a year as each territory kept changing their desires. Especially troublesome was the allocation of the settlers with advanced technological knowledge—all territories wanted all of them.
        The Aklans, while remaining aloof from the political realities, were traveling widely, administering whatever various peoples needed—spiritual counsel, emotional care, and, in some cases, guidance in new local administrative techniques. This last service, especially, led to a growing number of Aklans being shunned or, in far too many cases, killed by entrenched traditionalists.
        Velu and Zena were, over time, increasing the number and duration of their visits to Xela. Their visits were to counsel her in the wisdom of

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