Not Even Death-Eternally Your Master
her tears fell free. She needed to give this to Markus, to him, to
    He continued around her, changing toys and
places as he built her up. A soft tongue licked tears off her
    “You are so enchanting like this Cali.”
Derrick said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more beautiful.”
His hands slid over her sweat soaked flesh, easily finding all the
right places. He slid between her legs, lingering only long enough
to vibrate against her tantalized pussy. His hands parted her; she
bent forward without resistance. She was putty and he could mold
her in any way he chose.
    His rough hands pulled her further apart. He
relished her exposure. He’d never taken anyone this way. Sure, he’d
imagined it but this…
    He slid a finger into her wetness, coating it
with her excitement before adding a second…... He pumped his
fingers roughly into her wanting hole. She was amazingly saturated
already. He added a finger from his other hand and fucked her in a
harsh and steady rhythm. The tension inside increased with her
    Without missing his groove he removed one
glistening finger and plunged it into her tight little asshole. He
held fast as she let out a deep gasp. “ No pleas, no
begging”, he recalled as his tempo built. He continued on,
bringing her close before backing off. His pace slowed and he
watched, amused by her obvious need for more. The less he did the
more she squirmed. Finally, he removed both hands from her holes
and stood back to admire their handy work.
    “ I told you she’d be delightful didn’t
I?” Markus’ voice asked.
    “Oh, yes, you did… but one cannot understand
the description of what one has never tasted. “ Derrick said. He
reached out and palmed her pussy, covering his hand with the honey
of her desire. He leaned in close to Calico’s ear.
    “And you taste delicious my dear.” He
whispered as he licked her sweetness off his hand. He made sure she
heard him savoring her.
    Calico enjoyed the seductive sound of
Derrick’s pleasure as he lapped her juices from his hand. Since
when did he get so sexy? She knew it wasn’t entirely his own
volition; she could feel Markus in every action.
    The emptiness and sudden silence enhanced the
white noise buzzing through her head, streaming down and overtaking
her. She lay limp in the arms of the chain, prepared for whatever
was next. She didn’t have to wait long.
    She felt the warm, rounded end rubbing her
wet, exposed slit. She arched to accept it; blatantly, shamelessly.
It continued to tease in a way she knew so well. It was straight
out of Markus’ play book.
    “ Open yourself to me Kitten.” There
was his voice again, so deep, so real. His wonderful teasing made
her writhe and beg for more.
    “Fuck me please Sir.” She said. Her words
caught in her dry throat in a pleasing rasp.
    The warm cock slowly entered, stretching and
occupying her fully. She knew this cock. It was Markus!
    Derrick continued to ravish her with the
special gift Markus left behind. Waiting until now was planned by
the pair long before Markus’ illness took its toll. They’d always
wanted to take Calico together, but to keep the peace, and to
comfort Lucy’s psyche, the plan had never come to fruition; until
    The special silicone cock had been cast from
Markus’ very own. He wanted to live forever in his slave’s heart,
mind and body. Derrick was now working the controls, but Markus had
shown him exactly how.
    Derrick enjoyed the extensive video
collection Markus gave him. He’d memorized every move, every moan
and reaction of Calico being taken by Markus. He knew he could fuck
her exactly as Markus had; she needed that before he’d have his
way. He envied the love of the Master and slave—the ties that would
always bind.
    “Oh yes Sir, please fuck me. Fuck your little
slave….use me Sir. “She eagerly begged for all she was so grateful
to have.
    He pounded her hard with the phallus, moving
and teasing as he’d seen Markus

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