No Way Out

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Book: No Way Out by David Kessler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Kessler
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And I’m more than capable of working pro-bono if necessary.”
    “Oh come on Mr. Sedaka, you’re a one-man band. We’re a large law firm. We’ve got dozens of lawyers and a network of experts and other contacts that you can only dream about.”
    “I’m not disputing your size, but that’s not necessarily an advantage. If the accused marches into court with an army of lawyers, that can actually count against him.”
    “There’s also the logistical aspect. You’re up there in the Bay, we’re down here in the Basin. Ventura’s in our backyard. What are you going to do? Commute down from San Fran every day?”
    “You seem to be assuming that the trial is going to stay in Ventura.”
    “Are you going to move for a change of venue?” asked Sherman.
    “I might. It certainly wouldn’t hurt if we could get it transferred to a county with better demographics.”
    “I thought you wanted a speedy trial,” said Webster. “A change of venue motion will give them a pretext for a delay.”
    “Also we’re in a better position than you when it comes to a change of venue,” added Sherman.
    Alex’s ears pricked up at this.
    “How so?”
    “We’ve got a whole department for demographic analysis. And we work with LawData.”
    LawData was a firm that provided support for law firms, including public opinion research and computer-based demographic analysis.
    Alex thought about this for a moment.
    “You may have a point. But it’s not for me to decide. It’s Claymore’s call. I’m his lawyer and I’m here for him as long as he wants me.”
    “But you could talk to him,” said Webster, “convince him.”
    “I’m not even going to try to convince him. The most I’m ready to do it put your offer to him.”
    Arthur Webster leaned forward, like he was about to speak again. But a frail-looking man, who must have been pushing eighty, held up his hand to silence him. This was Aaron Levine, the senior partner in this firm. Webster slumped back into his seat and left it to his lifelong friend to address Alex.
    “Could I ask you a question, Mr. Sedaka? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but is it a matter of professional pride? Because if so you needn’t worry. Your reputation precedes you. We all remember your remarkable achievement in the Sanchez case.”
    The obsequious flattery was more irritating than the arrogance.
    “It has nothing to do with professional pride. But I’m not just Elias Claymore’s lawyer: I’m also his friend .”
    “Isn’t that all the more reason to step aside. A doctor wouldn’t treat a family member.”
    Alex smiled at this. Levine was a playing the soft cop – a man of gentle persuation rather than blustering aggression. But Webster leaned forward again, unable to contain himself any longer.
     “Just remember one thing Mr. Sedaka: we have resources that you can only dream about.”
    “Then let’s pool our resources.”
    This silenced them – Webster and the others – for a few seconds.
    “What do you mean?”
    Levine again. He was the only man in the room with the gravitas to break the silence, or the moral courage to meet Alex’s eyes.
    “I’m offering you second seat.”
    Webster’s intensity flared up again.
    “We’re not asking for second seat. We want you to –”
    Again Levine’s hand silenced his partner.
    “Could you elaborate?”
    “Yes. Let’s work on this case together, with me as point man and your formidable resources to back me up. You pick your best man – or woman – to take second seat to report back to you.”
    “But you lead?” said Levine, half-question, half-statement.
    “I take first seat,” Alex confirmed in a tone of finality that made it clear that this position was not open to debate.
    A cheerful smile graced Aaron Levine’s face, changing the mood for almost everyone.
    “I think we can live with that,” he said, looking at Webster in a way that demanded his agreement. Webster nodded, his face taut to maintain its

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