No Way Out

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Book: No Way Out by David Kessler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Kessler
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are more amenable to a delay when their client is out on bail. Alex’s motive for refusing to waive the right was twofold. Firstly to put pressure on the DA – and thus indirectly on the judge – to reconsider the bail question. Secondly, if bail was to be denied, then he didn’t want his client sitting in jail for long. Jail is an unsafe environment at the best of times, and for a black man who was thought of as an “Uncle Tom” it was particularly dangerous. Black prisoners would hate him because of the perception that he had “joined the establishment” while on the other hand he could hardly expect any sympathy from cliques like the “Aryan Nation.”
    Whether either of them would go as far as to try and kill him was another matter, but prison beatings were almost impossible to prevent. The only way Claymore would be safe is if he asked for isolation from the general prison population. But that would involve being put in a special section with all the sex offenders, including child molesters. Alex wasn’t sure if Claymore would be ready to seek this. Knowing Claymore, he’d probably try to tough it out – until it was too late. And this wasn’t an area in which Alex could advise his client. It was something Claymore would have to decide for himself.
    After a brief whispered exchange, Claymore was led away to be taken back to the county jail that was also located in the building.
    It was as Alex was walking away that he was approached by a dignified, sixty-something grey-haired man, who stiffly proffered his business card to Alex, by way of introduction.
    “I’m Arthur Webster of Levine and Webster.”
    “How do you do, Mr. Webster,” said Alex, tensely. “What can I do for you?”
    “Let’s walk,” said Webster, indicating with his hand to the side exit from the court building. Alex was happy to comply, but felt alienated by the man’s manner, that appeared to straddle the fence between embarrassment and condescending arrogance.
    “I should explain that we’re a local law firm, based in Los Angeles. We’re retained by the network that broadcasts Mr. Claymore’s show and we work extensively with SoCal Insurance where Mr. Claymore carries his liability insurance.”
    “I’ve heard of you,” said Alex.
    Webster seemed please by this.
    “The reason I wanted to talk to you is because I understand that you’re actually based in San Francisco.”
    “What of it?”
    “Well Claymore’s insurance policy with SoCal Insurance includes legal liability and it occurred to us that it might be rather hard for you to represent Claymore down here in Ventura when you’re based up in the Bay area.”
    “And you want…”
    “We’d like you to step aside as attorney of record and let us represent Claymore.”

Friday, 12 June 2009 – 15:40
    “You can represent him if there’s a parallel civil case. But I represent him in the criminal case.”
    Alex was seated with the partners of Levine and Webster around the long oval rosewood table in the main conference room. Also present was Paul Sherman. The atmosphere had been tense even before Alex spoke. Now the tension had been ratcheted up to a new level.
    “The policy covers everything – civil and criminal.”
     “And if he’s found guilty, the insurance company’s going to send one of its directors to take his place in prison?”
    “I mean it covers legal fees .” Webster insisted. “And the insurance company has specifically asked us to take the case.
    “What they insurance company has asked you to do is irrelevant. Elias… Mr. Claymore – in other words, the client – has specifically requested my services.”
    “Well in that case, he may have to pay you out of his own pocket. We are the designated law firm in the policy.”
    Alex had kept his calm when Webster had first approached him and had agreed to this meeting “without prejudice.” But he was getting irritated now.
    “I think  Mr. Claymore is more than capable of paying my fees.

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