No Regrets (Live Today #2)

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Book: No Regrets (Live Today #2) by Savana Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savana Jade
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the issue. I didn’t want to lose you too.” I finally answer as honestly as I can.
    “Do you think we would have thought any less of you if you would have told us?” She turns to face me. “Because Gabe, it’s not the fact that he is or isn’t yours. What bothers me the most, is you kept something so important from me… Us. Our lives are based on honesty and you took that away from us.”
    “Jenna, I didn’t lie. I never did. I may not have told you the entire truth. But I never lied to you.”
    “You know. You had me thinking.” She lets out a small laugh. “I was wondering how many other women out there will be throwing this in my face everywhere we go.” Her face looks so sad right now, all I want to do is make this better.
    “There won’t be any women doing that Jenna.” I grasp her arms forcing her to look at me. “I can promise you that.”
    “But Carmen was just one of many.” She continues, as if I said nothing. Immediately, I remember the letter that Carmen wrote for Jenna. I reach into my back pocket and hand it to her. Without thinking she takes it. “What’s this?”
    “I don’t know. It’s been burning a hole in my pocket since we left moms house. She insisted on explaining things to me the day we left. I wanted nothing to do with her, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Maybe it will help ease some tension. I don’t know.” She steps away from the water and sits on the sand. I stay where I am. Not sure what she will do once she reads the letter.
    My eyes remain on hers as she opens the envelope and reads what Carmen wrote to her. “Did you know about this?” she asks when she finishes the letter. I don’t answer her at first. I shake my head. She hands it to me to read. I stand in front of her, still afraid to sit and take it from her and read it.
                  I know that I am the last person you want to hear from right now, but I think it’s important that you know the truth.
                  Gabriel and I dated for two years. I used his popularity to gain respect for myself. He acted as if I was more a sister than a girlfriend at times. We went to places together. He would always treat me like a lady, but when I wanted more from him, he always found a reason to back away.
                  Gabriel, as you know has one of the biggest hearts around. There isn’t a day that goes by that he always tries to do the right thing, not just for himself, but for others as well. I think our “relationship” only lasted as long as it did because he couldn’t find the courage to break it off.
                  So, about a year before he moved away, we were at a party that he didn’t want to be at. He left after he found a friend who offered to take me home. That’s when I first got together with LG’s real father, Danny. One of Gabriel’s best friends. It started off as great companionship, but when Gabriel wouldn’t give me what I wanted, I turned to Danny. I’m not sure when or if Gabriel will give you this letter, so I will keep what I know to a minimum, but please know this…
                  Gabriel loves you with all he has. I only wish he looked at me with a quarter of the affection and love he does just thinking about you. You bring out the best in him. Yes I thought I could try to get that back when you all were here, but I was very much mistaken. So I wanted to apologize to you as well for trying to cause anything between you two. You mean the world to him, you always will. A love like that just doesn’t disappear over time.
                  So if you don’t forgive him, just remember that whatever he says is the truth. I don’t think there is anyone else meant for him other than you. I’m hoping he gave you the paternity papers by now proving that LG is not his son. I told him it wasn’t needed, but he insisted to prove legally that he never touched me. I know you probably don’t

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