No Ordinary Love Story: Sequel to The Diary of a Submissive

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Book: No Ordinary Love Story: Sequel to The Diary of a Submissive by Sophie Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Morgan
sensation, though. He moved and rested his mouth just centimetres from my cunt, his breath warm and steady – much steadier than mine, I realised with frustration – against me.
    At last. One long lick, from the bottom to the top of my cunt. Over the knickers, so it shouldn’t have felt as intense as it did, but fuck it really did. It made my thighs shake with the sensation of it. Too much teasing makes for an overwrought Sophie it would seem. He was back to playing, licking me over and over again, but still over the sodding (and sopping) knickers. It took all my self-control (and not a little bit of self-preservation) to resist the urge to kick him in the shoulder, so desperate was I to feel his tongue directly on me. I raised my hips in eager invitation, silently – but admittedly unsubtly – imploring him to takemore of me in his mouth. All to no avail. He looked up at me, the gleam in his eye showing as much as the bulge at his groin that he was enjoying himself. Git.
    I lost track of how long I had been on the edge of desperation. He placed his hands on the waistband of my knickers and I gratefully, hastily, lifted myself up so he could pull them down my legs and off. He chucked them aside and his mouth was back on me, no teasing now, he was practically drinking me as he pushed his tongue inside me, moving his face from side to side so his nose pushed against my clit until I whimpered desperately behind the gag. Then he took my clit in his mouth directly and began sucking on it, closing his lips tightly around it, flicking his tongue over it, again and again and again until my long-awaited orgasm consumed me, lifting me off the bed in convulsions, my cries muffled by the gag in a way that probably worked out for the best where my neighbours were concerned.
    It was intense. The whole experience had been intense. There wasn’t time to recover yet, though. As my breathing began to slow he stood up and stripped, grabbing a condom from the pocket of his jeans before throwing them, along with the gloves and his clothes, on the floor. Stopping briefly to put it on, he came back to the bed and pushed himself deeply inside me, even as I was still throbbing with the aftermath of my orgasm.
    He lay down so most of his weight was on top of me, his face close to mine, smiling, even while he took his pleasure from my body, moving his full length in and out of me slowly, pushing himself deep enough that his pelvis hit my clit, making me whimper again. Every movement brushed against the nipple clamps, and the constantmovement made my nipples ache in a way that I found distracting – the mixture of pain and pleasure and being tied down somehow tamped down my occasional rebellions, leaving me feeling a desperate yearning to please him, to give him – admittedly in a very different way – the kind of pleasure he had just given me. In that moment I would have done or endured anything he wanted me to, and the best way of showing him that felt like bucking my hips in inviting fashion.
    We kept the rhythm moving, as he reached behind my head to remove the gag. I desperately swallowed the worst of my drool as he pulled it out, laughing as he apologised at accidentally pulling my hair as he undid the buckle. He raised an eyebrow and I instantly felt a bit chagrined.
    ‘Sorry, I just found it a bit funny. Torturing my nipples is fine, but accidental hair-pulling needs an apology.’
    ‘There’s no excuse for impoliteness,’ he said, grabbing a handful of hair and pulling it much harder than he’d done by accident a moment before. I laughed again, but it was swallowed into a kiss as he moved his mouth over mine. I smiled against his mouth and began reciprocating eagerly, although the taste of myself on his lips made me blush again – it was as if his aim in life was to leave me constantly embarrassed and wet.
    As we kissed he fucked me harder, pulling out slowly but pushing back in with a force that left me gasping into his mouth.

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