No Holds Barred

Read Online No Holds Barred by Callie Croix - Free Book Online

Book: No Holds Barred by Callie Croix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Croix
Tags: Romance
His hand fisted in her hair again, holding her close as his hips jerked toward her. He barely heard Nathan’s hard groans over the blood roaring in his ears.
    When he opened his eyes and looked down, Cait was still sucking him gently, hands splayed on his thighs to steady herself. He relaxed his death grip on her hair and stroked it tenderly, reverently. Blinking up at him with those pretty blue eyes, she sighed and gently released him, pressing her cheek to his stomach as she rested. If it had been any other woman he would have gathered her up against his body, but this was Cait—he didn’t want to overstep his bounds. She was Nate’s to comfort and take care of, and he couldn’t forget that.
    “C’mere, baby.”
    He looked up as Nate zipped his jeans and reached for her. Cait immediately turned toward him without a word and didn’t protest when he lifted her into his arms and headed for the master bedroom. Her head tucked trustingly into the curve of his shoulder, and her arms wound tight around his neck. Nate acknowledged him with a grateful nod, his eyes glowing with pride and male satisfaction. As they damn well should. Cait was an incredible woman.
    Watching them, an empty ache blossomed in Liam’s chest. What would it be like to be loved like that? To be trusted so deeply and accepted for who he truly was? God knew he’d never found it. Probably never would.
    As Nate walked past, the adoring look on his friend’s face eased something inside Liam. He was glad Nate realized he was holding a treasure.
    Cait couldn’t look at Nathan as she lounged in his strong arms. She was afraid she might see hurt or reproach in his face. Her body was sated, tired, but she didn’t want to think about what she’d just done. Couldn’t face it yet.
    He laid her on the bed and a moment later she heard water running in the bathroom. Her conscience started to prick at her, but she forced it back into her subconscious. There would be plenty of time to analyze and freak out over what she’d done later. Right now she only wanted to savor the satisfied glow humming through her body and bask in Nathan’s care. He was always attentive and caring after they made love, but tonight even more so.
    Hard arms slid beneath her and lifted her again. “Into the bath with you.” He’d left the lights off, and she appreciated the added privacy it gave her. She slid into the hot water and closed her eyes while he sat beside the tub and stroked her hair. His tenderness comforted her. He didn’t seem jealous or mad, and he stayed silent as he touched her, maintaining the link between them and letting her process everything in her own time. She was grateful he wasn’t trying to talk about it yet. Tomorrow…she’d cross that bridge when she came to it.
    After he helped her out of the bath and dried her off she brushed her teeth and crawled into bed. He slid in beside her and pulled her flush against his naked body. Cait sighed and burrowed in close, craving the contact and the feel of his warm, strong frame cradling her. Right now, she desperately needed his reassurance and approval. She needed to know he loved her as much as ever. His hands moved gently over her back, her buttocks, soothing and calming.
    She fought back a yawn.
    “Tired?” he murmured against the crown of her head.
    “Mmm.” She loved the feel of his arms around her. Would never get tired of this.
    “Love you.”
    Tension she hadn’t even realized she been holding released from the muscles in her shoulders. “Love you too.” With her head cradled on his shoulder, she allowed herself to slide into sleep.

Chapter Five
    The next morning, Cait tensed when she heard footsteps coming down the hall. Bracing herself for the ensuing confrontation, she placed the coffee carafe back on the machine as Liam came into the kitchen.
    “Got any more of that for me?”
    A blush crept into her cheeks. Act normal. Pretend like it never happened. “Sure.” She took another mug

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