Njal's Saga

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Book: Njal's Saga by Anonymous Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anonymous
came up and they sailed away. They were at sea for three weeks and then arrived at the Hern Islands, 3 and from there they sailed east to Vik (Oslo fjord).

    Harald Grey-cloak was then ruling over Norway. He was the son of Eirik Blood-axe, the son of Harald Fair-hair. His mother was Gunnhild, the daughter of Ozur Toti. Harald and his mother had their seat at Konungahella, in the east. 1
    A report came to Vik of the arrival of a ship from the west. As soon as Gunnhild heard it, she asked what Icelanders were on board; she was told that one of them was Hrut, the nephew of Ozur.
    She said, ‘I see it plainly: he’s come to claim his inheritance – but a man named Soti has taken it into his keeping.’
    Then she called for her servant, whose name was Ogmund: ‘I’m sending you to Vik to meet Ozur and Hrut. Tell them that I invite them both to spend the winter with me and that I want to be their friend. If Hrut listens to my advice I will look after his property claim, as well as anything else he may undertake. I’ll also put in a good word for him with the king.’
    He then went and found them, and when they learned that he was Gunnhild’s servant they welcomed him. He gave them the message in private. Then the two of them discussed between themselves what to do, and Ozur said to Hrut, ‘It’s clear to me, kinsman, that we have already taken our decision, for I know Gunnhild: if we don’t go to her she will drive us from the land and grab all our possessions. But if we go to her she will show us the honour she has promised.’
    Ogmund returned, and when he came to Gunnhild he gave his report and said that they would come.
    Gunnhild said, ‘I expected that, since Hrut is called a clever and capable man. Now watch for when they get here, and let me know.’
    Hrut and Ozur travelled east to Konungahella, and when they arrived their kinsmen and friends came out and welcomed them warmly. They asked whether the king was in town, and were told that he was. Soon after that they met Ogmund; he gave them Gunnhild’s greetings and added that for fear of gossip she would not invite them to come to her until they had met the king. ‘It mustn’t seem that I’m lavishing favours on them,’ she had said, ‘and yet I will help him as I see fit. Hrut is to speak boldly to the king and ask to be one of his followers.’
    â€˜And here are some noble robes,’ Ogmund went on, ‘which she has sent for you to wear when you come before the king.’
    Then he returned.
    The next day Hrut said, ‘Let’s go to the king.’
    â€˜Very well,’ said Ozur.
    They went twelve together, all kinsmen and friends, and entered the hall while the king was at drink. Hrut went ahead of the others and greeted the king. The king took a close look at this man, who was well dressed, and asked his name; Hrut gave it.
    â€˜Are you an Icelander?’ the king said.
    He said he was.
    â€˜What prompted you to come to us?’
    â€˜The wish to see your magnificence, my lord – and also because I have a large inheritance case in this realm, and I will need your help if I’m to have my just share.’
    The king said, ‘All men in this land have my promise of lawful procedure. Do you have any other purpose in visiting us?’
    â€˜My lord,’ said Hrut, ‘I beg to be taken into your bodyguard as one of your followers.’
    The king made no answer.
    Gunnhild spoke: ‘It seems to me that this man is offering you great honour, for if there were many like him in your bodyguard it would be very well manned – so it seems to me.’
    â€˜Is he a clever man?’ said the king.
    â€˜Both clever and ambitious,’ she said.
    â€˜It seems that my mother wants you to have the position you are asking for. But out of respect for our royal dignity and the customs of this land, you must come again after half a month. Then you shall

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