Nightmare in Niceville

Read Online Nightmare in Niceville by Amberle Cianne - Free Book Online

Book: Nightmare in Niceville by Amberle Cianne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amberle Cianne
Tags: FIC030000, FIC031000
Scott’s wallet with my mind. It didn’t work. Why was he paying for me ? He was acting like this was a date, which it wasn’t. This was definitely a group thing! Was he just being nice to me? Did he like me? My stomach fluttered with butterflies.
    I finally managed to speak. “Fine, but next time I get to pay.”
    â€œNext time?”
    â€œUm, yeah . . . I mean . . . if you want . . .” I stuttered like an idiot.
    He chuckled quietly. “That would be nice.”
    â€œAnd thanks,” I said politely.
    â€œNo problem at all.”
    â€œHere you go,” the girl said as she handed us our Cokes.
    â€œThank you,” we said in unison.
    We made our way to the theater.
    â€œThat girl looked like you,” Scott said.
    â€œReally?” I thought about her face and realized that we did look similar. She had green eyes and long, brown hair, but her hair was wavy and pretty and looked soft.
    â€œHuh, I guess our hair and eyes are similar,” I said.
    â€œNo, not just you hair and eyes, your faces look alike.”
    â€œI don’t understand.” I felt my face scrunch up.
    â€œYour eyes aren’t just the same color, they are almond-shaped. And your faces are both long and smooth. You both have those small, button noses. Your lips are full, but not too big for your face. She even talked like you a little bit.”
    I stared up at him with wide eyes. How did he notice so much about me? Was that normal or something? He must have noticed my expression because he blushed and looked away.
    â€œIt’s just simple observations.” He shrugged. I was too stunned to say anything.
    The previews had already started, so it was dark, but we could see that we were the only ones in the theater.
    â€œWe’re the only ones!” someone yelled.
    â€œLet’s sit in the back!” I heard people say, but I couldn’t tell who. I felt a hand grab mine, and I gasped. I turned around, expecting to see Sarah or Max, but it was Scott. My heart pounded in my chest, and butterflies exploded in my stomach.
    He leaned and whispered, “I want to sit next to you. Is that okay?”
    â€œThat’s perfect,” I whispered, smiling. His fingers intertwined with mine, and I squeezed his hand gently. Wow, Scott wants to sit with me! Wait ‘til Em hears! I thought.
    Angela led Luke to the middle of the second-to-last row. They sat down, and I followed with Scott right behind me. Max ending up sitting behind me to the left. Sarah sat behind me to the right. Of course. Then Rachel took the seat on the other side of Scott. He shifted a little and positioned his body closer to me, which made me surprisingly happy. He smiled at me and winked. I laughed quietly and looked at my lap. His hand still held mine. Jacob and Emily took their seats last. In the back row away from everyone else.
    â€œAw, I wanted you to sit here, Lily,” Sarah said.
    I turned around. “Oh sorry,” I said, smiling apologetically. Though, I definitely wasn’t sorry. I was perfectly content to sit with Scott.
    The movie started and everyone got quiet. Throughout the movie, there were whispers and giggles. The movie also did its job in making people scream, jump, flinch, and curl into each other. I didn’t care; I could only pay attention to every little movement of Scott’s hand around mine.
    Suddenly, I felt a hand run through my hair. I jumped and turned around. Sarah waved at me and leaned back into her seat. I stared at her for a moment, then looked over to see what Emily was doing. I immediately wished I hadn’t, and turned back around quickly. Jacob was practically on top of her, and they were kissing very intensely.
    â€œThat was weird,” Scott whispered in my ear.
    â€œYeah, really weird,” I whispered back. I turned my head toward him and my breath caught. His face was closer then I’d thought. His defined jaw and cheekbones shined in the strange

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