Night Work

Read Online Night Work by Greg F. Gifune - Free Book Online

Book: Night Work by Greg F. Gifune Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg F. Gifune
other guys don't know you, and they don't make moves with people they don't know, cabeesh? I could've easily cut you out completely, but I didn't."
        "Oh gee, thanks, man. Should I blow you now or you want to do it later?"
        "Look, once we're up and running and Vincent gets to know you better we'll all sit down and talk about making you a full partner, all right?"
        The line was quiet until Gus said, "I thought this was about you and me."
        "It is," Frank insisted. "But we need Vincent. You have my word that I'll make this up to you, but for now I need to make sure you're with me on this. In or out, Gus, what's it gonna be?"
        Gus blew a smoke ring toward the window. "I'm in."
        "Good," Frank said. "I know you're disappointed, but hang tight. This is going to be beautiful, man. Wait and see."
        "Okay, Frank."
        "You with me?"
        "I'm with you."
        He returned the phone to the base, took a deep hit of nicotine, and stared at the floor for what seemed a long time.
        "That sounded like bad news."
        Gus looked over his shoulder at the hooker sprawled out on his bed. He'd nearly forgotten she was still there. He let his eyes wander across her shoulder-length kinky brown hair, her dull eyes, bony shoulders; breasts too large for her small frame and sagging too low for a woman so young; a flat but flabby belly, and pale skinny legs spread wide and bent at the knee. "Or is it none of my business?"
        "Yes," Gus said mildly.
        "Yes, it was bad news, or yes, it's none of my business?"
        The woman adjusted herself so he could get a better look between her legs. "We gonna party, or what?"
        "You never told me your name."
        "You never asked."
        "I'm asking now."
        "Is that your real name?"
        "It is tonight."
        He studied the glowing tip of his cigarette for a moment then pulled the shade closed over the window and switched on a small lamp. The thought of having sex with this woman both excited and repulsed him all at once. Things were always the same. "Been doing this long?"
        April cupped one of her breasts, pulled it to her mouth and licked the tip of her nipple. It stiffened, and she twisted it, working it between her thumb and forefinger. "Long enough."
        Gus let his pants drop to the floor. He stepped out of them, leaving his T-shirt on. As he sat on the edge of the bed he stroked her hair and leaned his face close to hers.
        "I don't kiss," she said, helping him out of his boxer shorts. "I told you before."
        "I'll pay extra."
        "It don't matter. I don't kiss."
        Gus put his head on her shoulder and fondled her breasts while she masturbated him. When he was ready, he sat up and straddled her, stabbing his erection between her legs. Within seconds, he pulled out, ejaculated across her stomach, and collapsed as if he'd been shot. "Get off," she gasped. "I can't breathe."
        He rolled off, pulled his underwear on and lit a cigarette. "Jesus, that was sweet."
        "Can I get up?" she asked. Gus nodded, tossed her a small towel. She wiped herself off and dressed quietly. "Be a doll and give me one of them cigarettes, will you? I'm all out."
        Gus shook one free from his pack and lit if before handing it to her. From a small desk on the far wall he produced a wad of bills, peeled off four tens, and held them out to her. April stuffed the money in her jeans, snatching it the way a cat pounces on a field mouse. "If you want to hook up again some time I can give you a phone number to call. Saves times and it's safer than cruising the streets."
        "Are you busy now?" Gus brushed sweat from his brow. "I mean… do you have plans for the rest of the evening?"
        She looked at him with disbelief. "You want to go again?"
        A siren blared in the distance, slowly faded. Gus returned to the window,

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