Night Tide

Read Online Night Tide by Mike Sherer - Free Book Online

Book: Night Tide by Mike Sherer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Sherer
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    tamped! down! the! anger! burning! inside! and! slowed! his! heart!
    small! SUV! was! hurtling! down! a! dirt! track! toward! the! road! in!
    front! of! him,! a! small! cloud! of! dust! billowing! up! behind! it.!
    come! close! to! ramming! him! if! it! didn’t! slow! when! it! reached!
    the! road.! He! let! up! on! the! accelerator! just! a! hair,! and! bore!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    down.! The! SUV! didn’t! appear! to! slow! at! all! as! it! approached,!
    but! at! the! last! minute,! the! driver! slammed! on! the! brakes,!
    He! barely! caught! a! glimpse! of! the! two! people! in! the!
    gas! pedal! to! stay! behind! the! fleeing! vehicle,! his! mind! hard! at!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    The! blades! of! a! medevac! chopper! whirled! gently! then!
    circle! pattern.! Inside,! Charlie! raised! an! arm! off! the! stretcher!
    and! waved! weakly! as! they! shut! the! wide! door.! The! fuselage!
    the! fan6tail! rotor! swung! in! a! wide! arc! until! the! copter’s! nose!
    pointed! east.! The! chopper! rose! swiftly,! nose! dipping! as! it!
    A! Kitsap! County! sheriff’s! deputy! waved! me! over! to! the!
    patio! table,! face! alternately! tinged! blue! and! red,! even! in! the!
    bright! sunlight.! Strobes! flashed! atop! the! emergency! vehicles!
    circled! haphazardly! on! the! grass! around! the! yard.! I! counted!
    five—two! county! cruisers,! a! Port! Orchard! cop! car,! a! South!
    Patrol! deputies! festooned! the! stakes! they’d! pounded! in! the!
    the! truck! and! patio.! One! of! the! county’s! two! crime! scene!
    A! paramedic! knelt! on! the! ground! by! the! man! next! to! the!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    Nine! rounds! were! missing! from! Charlie’s! back6up! piece.! Four!
    flattened! slugs! had! embedded! themselves! in! the! Kevlar! vest!
    under! the! man’s! black! fatigues.! One! round! had! hit! him! in! the!
    pelvis,! another! in! the! shoulder;! two! missed! him! entirely.! The!
    head! shots,! probably.! At! the! range,! they! taught! to! shoot!

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