Nick (The Kringle Boys Book 1)

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Book: Nick (The Kringle Boys Book 1) by Lily Rede Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Rede
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response had scrambled his brain, leaving him hard and aching. He’d assumed that a few screaming orgasms would leave Phoebe pliable and amenable to spending the rest of the night wrapped around his body like a voluptuous little octopus, but apparently not. He tried to think of something appropriately scathing to say.
    “You’re just going to leave me like this?”
    Okay, whiny.
    Phoebe blushed hotter.
    “That wasn’t part of the deal.”
    Nick schooled his features with considerable effort, and shrugged. Leaning down, he scooped her panties off the floor.
    “Give me those,” said Phoebe, holding out a hand.
    Nick couldn’t help the grin, and twirled the scrap of black lace nothing on the end of his finger.
    “I don’t think so. If you’re not going to help me out, I’ll need a little inspiration to take care of things.”
    He looked down at his rigid cock and heard her little squeak as her eyes followed his direction. The throbbing member, pleased at being the object of her attention, swelled even bigger under her gaze. Greatly cheered by the look on her face, Nick pocketed her panties and sauntered toward her bedroom to find the shower and a date with his right hand, tugging his shirt off along the way just to hear her gasp behind him.
    This isn’t over.

Chapter Six
    THERE WERE SWIRLING LIGHTS overhead, and Phoebe wasn’t entirely convinced that they were part of the ballroom décor and not some sort of orgasm-induced aftereffect of Nick’s talented performance.
    And what a performance.
    Phoebe grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and desperately tried not to think about Nick’s mouth.
    His hands.
    The blue flames in his eyes as he watched her come apart, over and over.
    If she thought about it, she’d go all dreamy again, caught up in reliving the incredible sensations that still had her body buzzing with satisfaction and a kind of edgy greed, hungry for more. She’d left her panties off, the flesh between her thighs still sensitive from his ministrations, swollen and needy despite her best efforts to ignore it.
    It was a testament to how off-kilter she felt that in a room full of temptation, trays of bon bons , and mountains of sugary truffles on every table surrounding a crowded dance floor with a live band, the most enticing confection stood six inches away, in a tux, glowering at her.
    “Well, we’re here. Now what?”
    Nick’s voice was barely a growl, and Phoebe was distracted from her freak out over what they’d done long enough to feel amused and a little sympathetic toward her tense colleague. A man of his size should have looked out of place in a tuxedo, but the black jacket only emphasized his broad shoulders, the elegant line of his massive frame. But his face might have been chiseled from granite. No one could mistake his expression for anything but distaste – this was the last place he wanted to be.
    “Now, we mingle.”
    Nick’s jaw tensed, and then he nodded.
    “Let’s get this over with.”
    She tucked her hand around his arm to lead him toward a friendly-looking group on the other side of the ballroom, skirting the wide dance floor. Phoebe had a momentary vision of Nick sweeping her into is arms and onto the floor, bodies pressed tightly together, his eyes filled with emotion as they moved together to the music. She suppressed a sigh. Clearly, the fried sexual circuits were now causing hallucinations. Giving into a taste of the carnal smorgasbord that was Nick Kringle was one thing. Imagining that his attraction to her was anything other than lust was something completely different.
    Yeah, like total delusion. You don’t even like him, remember?
    “Are you okay?”
    Phoebe snapped out of her reverie to look up at Nick, whose face was inscrutable.
    She hesitated.
    Am I okay pretending I don’t see the chocolate-dipped strawberries, the raspberry truffles rolled in sugared almonds, the peppermint sugar glass tree ornaments, the cherry vanilla ice cream with

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