New Year in Manhattan

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Book: New Year in Manhattan by Louise Bay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louise Bay
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy, Romantic
been to the Statue of Liberty or Washington Square Park. I’ve never even been on that bridge in Central Park.”
    “Oh, god, really? You want me to show you the sights? My penis won’t do?”
    “It is an either or? I want both.”
    I chuckled. “Okay, I can live with that.”
    “Tonight though, it’s all about your penis,” she whispered into my ear as she rubbed her palm against my dick and then trailed her tongue along my jaw.

    * * * * *

    The next morning, I woke before her, and as quietly as I could, grabbed my boxers, a t-shirt and my phone, and made my way into my study. I had plans to make, things to buy—a night to remember to organize.
    I called Mandy first. “Hey, thanks for last night. It was a lovely evening.”
    “It was a really great to see you both. You two are so awesome together. It’s so good to see.”
    “Thanks. I need your help with something. I’m not good with this stuff, you know, the romantic shit . . .”
    “You seem to be doing just fine.”
    “Yeah, but this is different. I really can’t risk fucking it up when I propose to her.”
    All I heard was squealing on the other end of the phone. “What can I do? What do you need?” Mandy finally asked when she’d calmed down.
    “So you don’t think it’s too soon? That she’ll say no?”
    “She’s given up her job and is moving continents for you. She’s not going to say no. When are you going to ask her?”
    “This is what I wanted to ask you. Is New Year’s too predictable? I don’t know what girls want.”
    “Oh, wow. So before she goes back.”
    “Do you think it’s too much?”
    “No. And I don’t think it’s predictable, I think it’s wonderful. And you shouldn’t be asking me. You know her and what she likes much better than I do. You’ve got all the answers to this stuff. You don’t need me to tell you.”
    She was right. This shouldn’t be something Mandy planned and I went along with. This should be about Anna and me.
    “Okay, you’re right. Thanks.”
    When I put down the phone, I started scouting rings online. I was going to have to move quickly. I only had today. Tomorrow was New Year’s.
    “Baby,” Anna shouted from the next room.
    “In here,” I responded, clearing down my search history just as Anna poked her head around the door. “I was going to go for a run. Do you mind?”
    “Good idea. I can do some yoga here and then have a bath if that’s okay?” She sat on my knees and looped her arms around my neck.
    “This is your home now, Anna. You can do whatever makes you happy. There’s a mat in the closet in the small guest room. Or go to the gym downstairs.”
    She kissed my shoulder. “No, a mat is good.” I could tell that it wouldn’t take much convincing for her to get her naked and back in bed, but unfortunately, I had to get moving.
    I reached around her waist and stood up as she wrapped her legs around me. “You’re like a monkey.”
    “A pretty monkey, though, right?” She mock scowled.
    I laughed. “A very beautiful monkey.”
    She hopped down, “Okay, enjoy your run.” She pecked me on the lips and ran off to retrieve her mat.
    I quickly changed and managed to smuggle my wallet into the pocket of my Columbia University sweatshirt and headed out the door.
    I hoped Harry Winston would be open.

    Whenever I finished a run, I looked like I’d escaped a kidnapping attempt—red faced, sweaty, hair everywhere. Ethan on the other hand, looked like he was mid-way through a Gucci photo-shoot when he got back to the flat. He was all tan with a slight sheen to his skin that made him look all the more male. I was desperate to jump his bones. In fact, I’d been desperate before his run, but he’d seemed determined to exercise—a desire that never seemed to grip me, unfortunately.
    “So, I thought we could go to the Met, or the Guggenheim,” Ethan said, breaking me from my haze of lust as he got dressed after his shower.
    “Sounds good.”
    “You don’t sound

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