New Year in Manhattan

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Book: New Year in Manhattan by Louise Bay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louise Bay
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy, Romantic
the bit that’s been missing from his life. Now that you’re here, ready and willing to move to New York, I think you love him as much as he deserves and that makes me very, very happy.”
    I turned to Anna and her eyes were welling with tears. “Don’t cry, beautiful.” I cupped her face in my hands and brushed my lips against hers. “We’re celebrating.”
    “Time for a toast,” Andrew said, raising his glass. “To the newest member of our family.”
    “You’re killing me,” Anna croaked out.
    During the course of the evening, every now and then I pulled back and looked at the four of us as if I were an unobserved stranger, peering through a window. There was so much love and laughter, we looked so happy, all of us. Mandy was right, whether or not I’d known it, I’d been waiting for Anna my whole life. Right then, I knew how I was going to make New Year’s Eve special—I was going to propose. I squeezed Anna’s hand under the table, wanting to get closer to her, if that was even possible. She turned that beautiful smile on me and squeezed my hand back.

    We’d only just climbed into the cab to start the journey downtown when she turned to me. “Why did you suggest moving, I thought you loved your flat and your neighborhood?”
    I shrugged. “I do. But I want you to be happy. You might prefer a house? Or maybe to move closer to Mandy and Andrew or just get a place that’s not been mine first, that we can start in together.”
    She grinned at me. “What?” I asked.
    She laughed. “Nothing, it’s just, I think you’re the sweetest, most romantic, thoughtful man, ever.”
    “Fuck, don’t say that in public, ever. I’ve got a reputation to protect.” I laughed. “The nice stuff is reserved just for you. I’m an asshole to everyone else.”
    “I like the asshole, too,” she replied as she moved closer to me in the cab. I tightened my arm around her. “Let’s not move. Not yet. I’d like to get to know your neighborhood and Manhattan a bit more.”
    “I don’t want you to feel like you’re living in my apartment though, Anna. I want it to be your home.”
    “My home is wherever you are.”
    I couldn’t argue with that.
    “So you’ll move in here for now and then we’ll think about moving when you’ve gotten to know the place a bit better.”
    “So, live together straight away?”
    “Of course live together straight away. I’m not letting you out of my sight if I can help it.”
    She laughed. “Okay, good. I like that plan.”
    “I’ll speak to the partners and get them to let you go early.”
    “No, Ethan, I don’t want you to. I don’t think Al will say anything now that I’m working my notice, and there’s no point rubbing their nose in it.” But I wanted her as soon as possible. “I’ll speak to them when I get back. They asked me to think about it over Christmas, so it’s not common knowledge. I guess they think I might change my mind.”
    “Did you agree to that?”
    “Not telling anyone. Are you thinking you might change your mind?”
    “No, of course I’m not. I told you, me staying there doesn’t make sense for a hundred reasons. And you seem to be happy enough about it, so . . .”
    “In case there is any doubt, I’m fucking ecstatic about it.” I grinned at her and couldn’t resist kissing the corner of her up-turned mouth. “Okay, I’ll leave it to you, but if you don’t negotiate them down to a month—max—I’ll be forced to intervene.”
    “I’m an excellent negotiator, you’ll see.”
    I got the feeling we weren’t just talking about notice periods any longer. I’d give her anything she wanted. There was no negotiation to be had as far as that was concerned.
    “So, can we go back to spending all our time in bed now? I’m not sure I like this whole being clothed and in public thing,” I said.
    “No, you have to do all the touristy things with me before I move. I can’t live here without having

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