New Species 11 True

Read Online New Species 11 True by Laurann Dohner - Free Book Online

Book: New Species 11 True by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurann Dohner
    Flame handed over the blanket. She wrapped it around her
like a shawl and took Jericho’s arm again. She fisted the material at her chest
to keep the blanket closed in front so it didn’t slip off her shoulders. It
helped a little but she still wished for real clothes. Her bare feet on the
cool floor weren’t helping to warm her much.
    “Thank you. I’m ready to go.”
    Flame followed them. Jericho walked slowly at her side and
she appreciated it. He towered over her with his much longer legs. The hallway
was clear. They entered a large area with desks, a long counter, and she
glimpsed buildings through the windows along one long wall. Curiosity about
Homeland had her craning her neck to see more but they reached an elevator too
soon to spot anything of interest.
    The doors slid open and a tall guy stood inside, wearing the
same uniform as the New Species who escorted her, except he was fully human.
She studied his features closely to be certain. He frowned and examined her as
    “Hello, Ms. Shiver. I’m Trey Roberts. I’m one of the team
leaders of the task force here at Homeland.” He glanced at Flame. “I was coming
up to see what was taking so long.”
    He pronounced her name wrong but she didn’t correct him. It
had been a common occurrence all her life. She’d seen some of the task force
members on television in brief news clips but they usually hid their faces with
caps pulled low on their foreheads and wore mirrored glasses to hide their
eyes. He was an attractive guy in his late twenties, perhaps early thirties,
but the way he looked at her in that unfriendly manner had her wondering why.
    “She showered.” Flame crossed his arms over his chest.
    “I see. Her hair is wet.” Trey glanced down at the blanket,
arching an eyebrow in question.
    “She was cold,” Jericho announced.
    “Well, we can’t have that.” Trey sighed. “Don’t forget that
she’s not a guest here.” He directed a pointed look at her hand, curved around
Jericho’s forearm. “Where are the handcuffs?”
    The primate growled. “They weren’t needed.”
    “It’s still my job to point out protocol.”
    “We’re not wearing any weapons she could steal and she’s had
no access to anything sharp. Do you believe she is physically capable of
endangering us?” He looked offended.
    “No. Forget I said anything.” Trey appeared exasperated when
he gave her his full attention. “Let’s get this over with. You have a lot of
questions to answer.”
    “I have one myself. Why was I handcuffed in the first place?
You know who I am since you know my name.”
    His mouth firmed into a tight, grim line before he jerked
his head toward the open elevator. “You’re not the one who will be asking
questions. Let’s go.”
    Jericho steered her inside. She felt tiny compared to the
three large men sharing the elevator. Trey Roberts stared at her in a way that
had her dropping her gaze to the floor, a sense of apprehension knotting in her
stomach. Something was wrong but she didn’t know what. Fear inched up her spine
but there shouldn’t be a reason for it. It still remained. She chalked it up to
a little nervousness about being around free New Species.
    It had been a dream of hers to get them out of those cells
and to the NSO but she had dealt with dangerous ones. They killed humans
when given the opportunity, though it was totally justified. The difference
between imagining standing next to them once they were free and actually doing
it seemed a logical reason for her to feel a bit paranoid. She dismissed it as
the cause of her uneasiness.
    The elevator doors opened into a large windowless room with
a few thick beams to support the enormous space. Jericho moved and gently drew
her forward until she got a view of the other side of the room. Three rooms
with bars for walls lined one wall, each set up similar to jail cells but with
nicer bedroom furniture. Her gaze lingered on them, happy to see they were

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